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What is the solar revolution? The guide you need every birthday

Have you ever noticed how your energy begins to change around your birthday? Some years you become more sensitive, some years you feel a fiery yearning for change, and some years extraordinary events happen to you as if the cosmos has sent you a gift for your birthday. This is because, every year, the energies at our disposal change and, through a map known as the 'solar revolution', astrologers are able to find out what they are. How? Let's take it one step at a time!

What is the solar revolution?
The solar revolution is something like our annual birth chart, which begins to manifest a few days after our birthday and lasts for 365 days. The outlines of this chart are drawn when the sun transits exactly the same place (or degree) it was when we were born, revealing the energies available for a new journey around the sun.

To understand what a solar revolution proposes, it is essential to first know what a birth chart is. It is like a picture of the sky at the exact moment of our birth which, through the positioning of the planets, reveals a map of our personality that guides us throughout our lives. Also known as a birth chart, it describes how we see the world and how we function in it.

How long does the solar revolution last?
In this chart, the zodiac sign on the ascendant will expose the energy that will reign our solar year and that circumstances will propose to integrate. It is magical how, usually, the friends we become close to or the new people who appear in our life, are of the sign that is present in the ascendant of the year. Sometimes this ascendant can also hint at what destiny will bring. In the sign of Aries, it could be new beginnings; in Taurus, pleasure in all its forms; and in Sagittarius, extensive travel.

In turn, the celestial bodies in the solar revolution, positioned in various zodiacal signs and astrological houses, indicate the energies that will be at our fingertips. The moon is always of great significance. This luminary represents our emotional refuge. Positioned in Leo it could denote a refuge in creativity, while in Cancer it could reside in family and friends.

What is the solar revolution for?
The solar revolution serves as a star map given to us by the sky on our birthday to embark on a new journey around the sun. It helps us to quickly identify the North, or the learning mission of the year, so that we can travel it with greater awareness and understand what this journey invites us to integrate.

Knowing the energies at our disposal also allows us to explore them in consciousness. The planets in a birth chart or solar revolution are like the strings of a guitar. It is up to us to play them to make them vibrate. Knowing this map is as powerful as having the terms and conditions of the year in hand: it serves as a warning. If on our birthday Mercury retrograde Mercury is retrograde in our sixth house - associated with work - we can know in advance that we need to take special care with our communication at work that year and reread our emails a couple of times before clicking 'send'.

How is a solar revolution done?
To find out what the stars say about your upcoming solar year you should consult an astrologer with your date and place of birth and place of residence. At any time of the year you can consult about your solar revolution. However, it is best to do it close to your birthday to know the energy of the coming year in advance and make the most of the information. Two weeks before your birthday is ideal to receive the new energy, which sometimes begins to be felt earlier. It can also be a few days later, when we are still in the premiere stage of the solar year (this is a brilliant gift idea for your more esoteric friends).

Is it possible to change your destiny with the solar revolution?
The coordinates of where we change age contribute to and determine the pattern of our solar revolution. For this reason, many astrologers claim that if you travel to another time zone for your birthday you could change your destiny. In theory, this would only work if you then spend the next 365 days in this other destination. However, many experts say that beyond the stars, no one can escape their destiny. It's a matter of belief!

What is the solar revolution in astrology?
Like the birth chart, the solar revolution is a map of potentialities. Knowing it is, and should be, an uplifting experience. So when choosing an astrologer, look for someone who you sense wants to see you shine on high, and never let this experience limit or condition you. After all, the energies are in the chart, and it is up to you to take the ones you wish to taste.

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