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This is how the zodiac signs express love

It is common knowledge that each zodiac sign expresses love in its own way. Some favour self-esteem-boosting words and making the most of the time they spend with their partner, while others go for grand gestures of affection and pampering their loved ones. Which way do you lean? Take a look at how you express love according to your zodiac sign.

You're not prone to cuddling, but to speaking your mind unfiltered. You have no qualms about sharing your innermost feelings, even to make the first move.

Steadfast and loyal, a Taurus never harbours doubts about who they want to be with. They love to spoil their partner, and not always in a material sense, but by devoting all their time and attention to having a good time together.

Gemini, the social butterfly of the zodiac, may have a hard time finding the one, but once they make up their mind there is no turning back. If you're dating one, they are likely to send you surprises at work and propose a night out on the spur of the moment. With them you''ll keep the monotony at bay.

Deeply sensitive and intuitive, love for a Cancer means getting to know your partner in depth through deep and meaningful conversations. Don't be surprised if at dinner to get to know their parents they end up pulling out their photo albums from when they were a child.

Leo's are born leaders and grand gestures are part of their nature: when they are in love they want everyone to know it. Although they love to give and receive gifts, they also love to help, so don't be afraid to lean on them and make them feel useful.

Innate perfectionists and detail-oriented to a fault, Virgos never miss a thing, whether you do or don't do it. Doing small favours is their favourite way to convey their love; for example, organising your email inbox or taking off your shoes when you throw yourself on the bed after a long night of partying. However, given their inner independence, it will take you forever to return the favour.

If you're dating a Libra good love awaits. Kind, calm and balanced, they reach their full potential when they're in a stable relationship, so they're likely to surprise you with a candlelit dinner for that anniversary you'd forgotten about.

When a Scorpio falls in love, the flame burns brightly. But they find it hard to verbalise their feelings, so they tend to express their love through physical intimacy and cuddling.

It's hard to get a free spirit like Sagittarius to settle down, but once you're with them, every day is an adventure. They express love with spontaneous gestures, but find it hard to share their feelings. Perhaps a last minute trip to Bali is a good way to do this.

Responsible and down to earth, this sign doesn't let anyone in easily, and when they do, they prefer to let their gestures speak for them. Platitudes and flattery are of no value to them; what really matters to them is designing your future together.

Aquarius is a rebel without a cause, unpredictable and very independent, so they tend to be cautious before committing themselves. However, if you give them time and space, they will move towards you little by little and before you know it, your every need will be taken care of without you even having to open your mouth.

Pisces is a hopeless romantic, so it's no wonder they care more about their partner than themselves. That being the case, chances are they've already had their heart broken. And we all know that a scalded cat runs away from cold water, so don't expect flashy displays of affection on social media. However, when they find their better half, their love lights up everything.

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