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We continue our travel story series with my trip to New Zealand and Australia when I was 17. What a great trip! Staying with families and experiencing the sights and culture was so enjoyable. I hope to return someday. I’ve been to Paris but I never left the plane. The longest flight I’ve ever been on and one of my most favorite destinations of all time! We end the show this week with our zodiac lovers, Taurus and Capricorn. Both very stable and dependable partners!

Eiffel Tower: 00:20:10

Guitar: 00:38:50

Crescent Moon: 01:02:29

Taurus and Capricorn Lovers: 01:22:04

⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions

Episode 73


We continue our travel story series with my trip to New Zealand and Australia when I was 17. What a great trip! Staying with families and experiencing the sights and culture was so enjoyable. I hope to return someday. I’ve been to Paris but I never left the plane. The longest flight I’ve ever been on and one of my most favorite destinations of all time! We end the show this week with our zodiac lovers, Taurus and Capricorn. Both very stable and dependable partners!



Eiffel Tower: 00:20:10

Guitar: 00:38:50

Crescent Moon: 01:02:29


Taurus and Capricorn Lovers: 01:22:04


⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions





Australia Intro:

So. Longest plane ride you've ever done. Sharing travel stories here. My longest plane ride was to Australia. I went on a student ambassador program was for a month. We went to New Zealand and Australia. Again, it was super cheap. Like 2 grand. Like I look back and I was like I can't believe I went. 123 It's crazy. Means like group, package type thing. And we it was a mix of of sightseeing, experiencing, experiencing the country and then staying with families. So like we go visit kind of like a, you know, like a touristy kind of spot and then we go out into different parts. And. You know stable families and they were they were in school at the time and it it was kind of like in conjunction with. They're they're football. They're soccer. We kind of think it's kind of interesting, actually. And so. I forget. I feel like we. Out of. I don't remember if we. One on day one, right? Anyway, we flew to Paris. Ohh. It didn't get off the plane, but I did see the Eiffel Tower from the airplane, which was cool. And we had like a short layover in Paris and then it was a super long, it was the largest airplane I've ever been on and it was a super long flight like we were it. I feel like one flight was longer than the other, Like I feel like one was 17 hours and one was like 13 hours or. 15 hours or something like that. But yeah, you're we are on a fucking plane for a long time. It was also the most extreme turbulence I've ever felt in my life. Like we were on the plane and we. Like we must have fallen. Quite a few 1000 feet. It was like it had the effect on my stomach. Like wrote Like being on a roller coaster alright, like when we we hit this turbulence we went so far down so fast. Uh, it felt like a roller coaster. And I remember thinking, holy shit, it was intense, you know, flying over the ocean. We we flew into New Zealand. And we did some cool stuff there. We saw we went to the sheep farms and watched them. Sheer sheep. And then we did this crazy hill thing. OK, so you had like, this little scooter that you sat on. And then you went down this hill. It had breaks, right? Had breaks. But it was intense. I remember getting down to the bottom like, boy, that was not safe. But that was fun. And so we did like a week or 10 days in New Zealand and then we got on a plane and went. To Sydney. And I stayed with this family. Ohh they they had kids. They were like one year apart. They were just a little bit younger than me. And this was like the family I remember the most. They were really nice house and their guest suite was so cool like I would like. It was like the nicest place I one of the nicest places I'd stay on the whole trip. And I had. They fed me Vegemite. It was my first time I ever had that and that they were like so excited to have me as a guest. And like they they pulled all the stops. Like I went to school with the kids, which was kind of boring but was still kind of neat, and went and watched them practice soccer, football. And then we went to the mall, because I guess that that's what they thought that Americans should have. They went and dropped us all at the mall. And it's when we walked around the mall and then we went and spoke cigarettes. Like you're OK. In the they had like a parking lot that was like under the building and so we're in this like, you know, basement parking lot smoking cigarettes with a bunch of kids and stuff and. They absolutely loved my English accent, OK, my American accent. And so I'm standing there and they're like, just talk. And I'm like, I have no idea what you want me to talk about. They're like, we just want to hear you talk and hear your accent. And it's funny because I, you know, I live just below Cleveland. I have that twang of a tiny little twang, but Clevelanders have even worse. Like, there's a definite Cleveland accent, and you can tell where someone lives in Northeast Ohio by how strong their Cleveland accent is. So it gets stronger the closer you get to Cleveland. So you can kind of tell where someone's from in Northeast Ohio by just how. They have. And I had to laugh because, you know, I just like Midwest or an accent. It's not like a New York, not like a LA or anything like that, but. The kids, they absolutely love my accent, so I just just stand there and just talk about whatever. The schools were cool, though. It was kind of neat. You know, they one thing I noticed about them was that the lighting was they didn't have, like that crazy fluorescent lighting like we have in America. So, like everything was dimmer. You know, what do you mean? And then, like, they turned off the lights a lot, so, um. He was bright enough to see because they had all these windows and stuff, you know what I mean? But they didn't have overhead lights on a lot. That was kind of cool. But yeah, so and the so the family on the weekend, they were super excited. They took me to Acacia St. because they want to show me some. They thought my name was so neat that, you know, was named after a tree that they had. So they took me to an Acacia, Acacia St. and then they took me to show me a bunch of Acacia trees because I've never seen an Acacia tree before. And they were really sweet. We had a really great time. The food was really, like I said, the Vegemite, anything new that was special there is, you know, that was special Australia and they showed us. We went and stayed at, you know, we did like an Outback thing. We went, stayed at these cabins. And it was like a a wildlife type form. So they had Wallabies and kangaroo and kangaroo. Is there major roadkills? Like out here we see deer, but out out there could be dead kangaroo after. I mean I couldn't imagine how hard of an accident it would be. Hit Kangaroo. You know what I mean? Like, that's their deer out there. I did eat kangaroo. It's very good with ketchup and I ate crocodile. While we were out there, Sydney was cool, Sydney was cool, like we did a whole track. I got this really sweet map while I was there because like when we look at the map, the world map Australia looks like it's on the bottom right. Well the whole map is flipped and Australia is on the top of the Australian map, has them centered. Pull up a map. Yeah, here we go. Because we did like a whole line. We traveled from Brisbane, we traveled from Brisbane or Sydney to Brisbane, I think. I think we flew into Brisbane and then traveled. To Sydney. I'm pretty sure, yeah. Anyway, um, we just did a lot of cool stuff like Outback key stuff. I did snorkel at the Great Barrier Reef. This is a great story. So. It's winter there basically where I was there, so we get on this big like fairy like boat. To go out and snorkel at the Great Barrier Reef looking cool and. Get out there on the water was it was, you know, it was chilly and the water was really cloudy that day. So I didn't have like the great, you know, experience that you see when you like go to Nat Geo. I still did it though, still cool and I did see some sweet, sweet fish and stuff like that. And then we took these little mini boats to this island. It was really windy that day. It was, there was a lot of weather kind of around and so that was cool so that we get on the, we all get back on the boat, the big boat. To go back to the man. And. You're going against the the boat trip out was was cool. It was very chill. But we were going against the wind and the waves and so the boat was just and then down and we were like it was ride. It was a ride in half and it was very, very rocky and we were inside and they had snacks and stuff and so we were eating snacks because, you know, we're tired from. Swimming and stuff. And it starts the boat, starts this certain rock. It was really bad and I remember at the time being like, you know, and I don't get seasick because I'm sailed a lot, but on boats a lot and. Rarely ever get sick. I've never vomited on a boat. I have. Well, my knees vomited all over me and so I kind of hacked and got a little sick. But that was because I I'm First off, I am. I can be a sympathy bomber, vomiter, and the smell of vomit will make me vomit. You know what I mean? Well, I wasn't from C sickness, but it's like she puked all down the front of me. Were sailing. It was a rough day. I was helping her get off the ladder and she just looked over at me. Like 8 or something like that. So anyway, we're on this boat. You know, in this huge group. People start vomiting. And I remember thinking at the time, ohh, I gotta go, I gotta go sit out front, you know what I mean? And it was, you know, we were hitting these waves and I was like, I would rather be hit by cold ocean water in the face, like like buckets, then sit here and get puked on. You know, and everyone starts puking, OK, I'm telling you, the only people who didn't puke on this boat or the crew, me and I think one of the adult monitors that was with us on the trip. OK, that one of our chaperones. And so everyone just starts walking, vomiting. It's crazy, my comment and they're freaking out because they're running out of vomit bags. And everyone, I just had snacks. So I had, everyone had like a full can of soda and a bunch of chips and. I didn't this stack, they just ate. It was like the IT was the whole the whole inside of this fucking boat. Really. Of vomit. Everybody looked green. It was like the biggest, like. Most people have ever seen vomit. In unison at once. It was, it was actually incredible, like when I look back on it and think about how many people were on that boat and how many people were vomiting all at once. Sonic Cruise. It was cool. The neatest thing that happened, like my one memory that I was about 17. When I did this my like my best memory of it. We went to the Sydney Opera House and saw an orchestra play and it was incredible. It was just fucking incredible. It was so cool. It was one of those once in a lifetime moments and I definitely appreciated it. And then we laughed. Like we were checking out the whole town there, like they had this whole like underneath like shopping area. We were quite free, OK. We had chaperones and we had times that we had to check in, but we were quite free. It was like, here's your hotel check in there, over there is the market, you know. We were, hey, just like make sure you go as a team, tell your chaperone where your head and, I mean it was like that. You know what I mean? Like it was real laid back. Like I said, we were staying with other families. So we come together as a group and then we all split apart and go stay with different families. And then we come back together and go do tourist stuff. And then we go to the next town, stay with families, come back together, go to tourist stuff. So that was kind of like how the trip went. And so, after we went to the Sydney Opera House. We were just hanging out. We went and ate at this really fancy restaurant and that's where we had crocodile and kangaroo. They like it was like a tasty. So they sat down and put all this like Australia, like, you know, specifically Australian food in front of us. And we all shared it like family style, it was cool and then it was evening time like. So we stayed at the market. It was like that one. That particular set of days I look back on, it was like that I would go back to Sydney. I to be honest, I would go back. It was so cool. It was so fucking cool. And so we were. It was July 4th, OK? I remember clear as it was July 4th. And so we're kind of celebrating, you know, America a little bit. And we were heading somewhere, I think it was after dinner and we were going to go walk across the bridge. All right, So we're walking across the bridge. It's night time and we got to watch the full fireworks display on July 4th in Australia. It was probably the coolest. Uh. You know, fireworks display I've ever seen. Like I said, I was standing on the bridge. It was so fucking cool. It really. Like the Cools? Probably one of the coolest trips and coolest moments. And it was like this, like you know. Was this just neat sense of? You know, exploration, you know what I mean? And the people there were so kind and so nice. And the whole area is very, very safe for being a country full of convicts, you know what I mean? So that's what we English, you know, use that. You know. It's the people there were so sweet, like, so I moved there. I fucking moved in New Zealand or Australia in a second, like, you know, it felt, it felt like home in a different way. And it's all I can it it stood out like that, amazing to me. I definitely have to go back. Definitely. That is definitely on the bucket list. Go back to Australia. Both were very, very cool. Um. Trying to think of anything else, we went to this cool crater that had an Acacia tree growing right out the center of it, and I got a picture of me and it was like, it was just so neat to, like, go meet my tree. Was named after. My parents did not know that they were naming me after an Acacia tree. They were and Arcadia. They were in Acadia National Park on a trip when my mother was pregnant. For me, I was born in December, so that they were there. I don't know if they were there in the summer or the fall, but they were there on a family vacation. They went up to the Canadian National Park and did all that kind of stuff. Trying to come up with a name for me and they just switched the D to C and then they thought it was like a, you know, a a new name. And then I was born in the pastor came. You know, the whatever prayer. Yeah, yeah, they do. It wasn't Catholic or anything. It might have been christened, might have been out like christening. Anyway. Asked. Whatever they do. Like that. Church. Anyway, the pastor said. Ohh, you know this is occasions in the Bible. Tree. That's all Old Testament. It's all the Old Testament stuff that you know about how to build stuff, and it took place occasionally. You know, I'm just a material, some material in the Bible, but I'm there nonetheless. So in the case a tree is an amazing tree. They have like first and foremost the gum of it is in your Eminems. It's used for candy or sweet making the binder. And the bar, that medication to shrink out. The word itself is rot resistant and so if it was available to be used, it was used. And so it was used in the sacred spots and sacred buildings because of the fact that it was rot proof. And then case the trees weren't the only tree that can die. And come back to life. The treat of resurrection. It's the only tree that can. Be dead. And then come back to life. They can go into dormancy for a very long time through drought and the desert. This is a a very high desert plant. The oldest known tree was an Acacia tree in the middle of the desert. Some drunk asshole hit. It knocked over the only tree for like 250 miles. It was like it's it was known as the loneliest. And it had been part of a grow and its actual route. I think it went down like 200 feet to a very small well. That's what that's what it was surviving on. It used to be a Grove and then as the Oasis straight up. Uh. There was one tree left in the middle of fucking nowhere. Running over. But for years people will come and you know, it was like a. It was the midpoint of of the desert. Which desert? But yeah, that's why the draft net and Thomas so long was because that was their main food source and the tongue is long so that it can avoid these. Like 6 inch forms that it has and it has these really beautiful yellow or white pom pom like flowers. It's cool. It's a cool freaking tree. So anyway, that's the Australia story. Knows what I'm doing right now and I could be intransitive. Could be passing. I'm not sure when these shows are just recording this stuff this episode though, I think it's going to have Taurus and Capricorn. Zodiac lovers at the end of it, the readings themselves were the Eiffel Tower guitar and the Crescent moon. So check the description for the time stick around for the Taurus Capricorn. Uh, Zodiac lovers. Kind of like that kind of lover. That's what you want. Uh, yeah, that's the that's the time I saw the Eiffel Tower airplane landed in Paris and then took right back off of it. Didn't even get out of there. So enjoy the show.



The Eiffle tower. We haven't had this one. And this. These are my summer travel shows, so I'm glad that the the Charms are. We're fitting in. What's the situation between the two of you right now? Just describe the situation between the person that you have feelings for. There's gossip about your chemistry. Jealousy. It's triggering. So there are some gossip. Again, I want to comes to lost to to sexual chemistry. It's triggering in some way, meaning you know someone's upset about it. And then here's this spontaneous, top up unexpected visit. Someone has been searching online. Searching online, looking for toxic. Behavior. Searching for. So what's the situation? Well, there's gossip. Jealousy. In this situation it has to do with the loss. I don't know if you both. If there's gossip going on about the two of you having chemistry, or. Or if they're hearing gossip about you having chemistry with someone else, I'm not sure because it's triggering. So, you know, it's upsetting in some way. And then there's this spontaneous unexpectedness, whether it comes to a visit or something kind of pops up. It might be something online. It might be, you know, kind of stocking, searching our energy again. For what? For toxicity, For toxic behaviors, For toxic. People Interesting. What do you what don't you know about their situation that will help you make a better decision? They're trying to really, like, remove negativity, but they're really mentally locked out. You really have it. Possibly with this friendship. Remove the negativity. Ohh. But they don't know how there's like, this relationship, this friendship. You know, it was kind of there's something very drastic about. Because someone maybe quickly got single. Because they were obsessed. I don't know. Again, like, you know, there's this. They're trying to remove negativity from their lives. They're really confined. They don't know what to do about this friendship, all this similar partnership here. You know, if they drastically got, you know there's like this drastic want or harsh cut off that leads to some singlehood, some status available again possibly because of obsession or allows the obsession to be indulged in. So again what you don't know is that there is. You know, this need to clear the negativity and again, that need to clear the negativity is underneath the gossip card here. So there's a lot of people in your fucking business that really seems like you know what I mean? And that's that how it goes. How do they feel about your presence in their life? Better idea, they feel like. This relationship is really been healing to them that they whatever has been kind of broken inside both of you can be healed. They are filled with some fear and doubt. When it comes to you. But they think you're so sweet. God. Imagine you're tasting so, so sweet. Um. They are really confident that this relationship could work out, but they really need to deal with their hostility. There's some hostility that they're they're they're they're subtly pisssed off that that you've seduced them, so you've come in and seduced them in some way and it's actually made them upset. There we go. Ohh, how would they describe you to someone else? That's the warrior. Someone who's strong, someone who has skills, someone has discipline, Someone who has, you know, willpower, that's heroic, that's stoic. That would self sacrifice. They also. Call you, the teacher, someone who has an ability to communicate knowledge and experience. They also call you the thief. Which means you're stolen. Like you know, I always use the safeguards like they've stolen. Something from me which probably is like for that man that may all you know you stole their heart kind of energy so they they would they would speak to you as or or speak about you as someone who's very strong. Someone who's been been you know had to fight their own battles. Someone who's a teacher also someone who just a little bit of a thief so. I don't know if you have like a little feet and energy in you or you've stolen this person's heart. I feel like they would say it in a nice way, but there is a little hostility here because you are so very seductive. We consider. Again, there's like a social media blog energy here, but they will return. So they're they're. As far as like social media or something public here, it's been blocked in some way or there's been, you know, needing to protect themselves or stand up for themselves in some way. But they will return. Yes, they have thought about contacting. That would be a yachts maybe over social media, maybe on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter. They they're kind of sneaking off. The cards that came down were sneaking off, needing to take a trip or a move, maybe getting away on a vacation. Some way to deny, you know, they would deny how heavy of a burden that they've been carrying. Is there competition for their attention? Competition for their attention. Ohh. It looks like work. What would it be with the biggest competition for their attention would be work. This person is kind of a Dick or has a job in which they could be a teacher, lawyer, a speaker of some sort. This is the king of sorts. He uses his words. He's a Dick, right? Yeah, so. Again, it might be that the main competition would be their work. Yeah, that's for sure. Yeah. And that's the judgment of why it's going so slow. And in general, is this person right for you? Start to talk about your axe. Ask It's caught. And this man here that kind of cops, the one you like or the one that's, you know, got emotions or is emotional. He is abusive because he doesn't. He's not really. I normally read Ace along this abusive. And then it's it's throwing six of pinnacles, which, you know, I normally read. As like giving or investing in a situation, but not investing much. You know what I mean? A lot of people read this as bread. Uh. Again, your axe was your ex was like a trap or your ex gets caught in some way. This one that you would like this kind of crops normally it's you know focus of your your energy. It's again has taken some action but it might be too small. I don't know whether to read that Ace of Wands is action or abuse. Because if he's not giving very much, but he's still keeping you on the line, it is abusive. It's throwing the queen of cops after that saying that. Another feelings are mutual. Back to this. Ohh. The movement card back to the Chariots and kind of. Feelings are mutual. I don't know if there needs to be a trip, a move. Or if you're moving in the right direction, I'm not sure because. Someone here feels very left out, or feels impoverished in some way, or stigmatized. Maybe you have to move because of the area. Yeah, there. I feel like there's karma wherever you're at. You know from your acts. So like if you're still in your same hometown that you know you you know, or you're surrounded by, you know people that knew you when you were with your ex. You know, there was like that kind of energy around this particular scenario when you move. Or your desire to move. Or take a trip or take a rest. Again, is because of all this stigma that came from your breakup, or the stigma that's coming from this justice in some way, coming from some kind of karma? You know of these past relationships. Is this person still right for you, though? Is is, you know, saying it's mutual, but there you have to move out of this stigmatized area. So karma, it's sweet. This is a stalemate. It's throwing six of cops. So we have Queen of Cups and six of Cups. Chariot Mesa ones, which I would take as a guess. So this this person right for you? Yes, but there's still like there's a need to move away from the area that is affecting. Your energy. If they could sex you, right? Jesus. Let's get wet and wild. So they would sax about wanting to take a shower with you. Um, you know it would be. I can't wait to. Soap up your breast to be that kind of energy. And then the next one is I'm gonna watch you ride my tongue. So they want to take a shower with you and get all warmed up. Three, all of them. And they wanna watch you ride their tongues, so it'd be again some showers and some face. Is there any sexual vices or addictions you should know about? They've moved on from that lose, lose situation. Whatever it was, it was karmic in some way. Like you know, they've, they've worked through it, so whatever. Whatever advices they had, sexual or addiction, it was a lose lose situation. It would stigmatize them a little bit. It would it would embarrass them a lot. So they kind of moved on from it, so whatever they were. Into They're not into anymore. OK, what? What guidance does it Terrell cards off for you on this particular situation. You really need to heal. From. From how much you've suffered? And that will help you move on from these these emotions. You know, you really need to take a take time to think about. The period of suffering that you've just gone through. And, you know, move on for each of those emotions, there's probably a particular emotions that you've gone through here with this, you know, within your life, you're really needing to move on from those so that you can choose love. Because right now, you're struggling with depression. Or sadness. Or drink. Where the public? You know you might be fighting on Facebook and the publics, Yeah, it looks like. Are you in? Are you fighting and on in comment sections? On social media because it it looks like. Whatever, you know, social energy you're putting out there, you know it's creating a fight. It's creating a stroke going in your world. Uh, so I don't know if you know you've been. Whatever again, social energy you've been putting out there it it's being met with competition or it's being met with. Struggle. It looks like you're struggling in your world, yet you want to project that you're happy and fulfilling this will free you. Again from. You know from whatever. Went out in school, so I feel like you know. You might have a lot of high school trappings, and there are a lot of people out there that, you know, they spend time with the people that went to high school with, or they still spend time with people that they were in college with. You know, if you're sorority sisters or things like that. You know, so I feel like there's a lot of trappings that come from your particular situation of being in your hometown or being where you know, where your social scene is, you know? And I feel like that is really. Affected you, you know, And it's causing this gossip. Like the more people you have friends that you're friends with, the more of a social scene you have, the more gossip and jealousy you do, you know you do. Call upon yourself. So you really need to heal what you've been suffering. OK. And and there's, you know, there's many things you need to move on from. But you need to choose this love. You need to choose that you want to love over your depression. Whatever's happened on social media, it's been a real struggle for you. You know, or it appears that your world is struggling, so you need to again. Project happiness and fulfillment and this will free you. From those those school kind of trapping. So again it's it's speaking to you know the connection you have with with. The people that you went to school with go to that is in college or in high school. So and some people never grow out of that mentality. You might be ready to grow out of that mentality. You want to go to Paris, right? Yeah. So there's definitely a part of you that wants to see more. Doesn't want to feel stuck. You know one of these particular situations with these particular gossips. So definitely be working towards. Lesson last those friendships. A lot of people think that. Having a vibrant social life is what you should be having. They want to fit in, They wanna, you know, feel connected. But that's all extremely overrated, It really is. It is I I know. You know good friends are few and far between, and you don't know your friends until you go through something. And the moment you go through something, that's when you see your real friends, and that's when you see the reality of a lot of relationships. And that's when a lot of people go into hermit mode where you know they're much more careful. Access to them because at the end of the day, someone who doesn't really care about you. Maintenance they are going to. They're going to have no loyalty to you. You're just another topic to be talked about. While they're out with their friends. So the more you lessen your, you know, exposing these people to your life, to you, you lessen their effects. You know long term on you and your your reputation. The last thing know about you, the better, you know what I mean. I'm I'm pulling special cards this week from my Oracle Mystical Moment staff to kind of end every reading. Give someone you know something a little extra sprinkle course. This is such a beautiful card. It's yellow and says listen. Mindfulness sensitivity impact. This young woman with closed eyes and and a knowing smile is rooted in the earth. Her hair is transformed into roots of the plants above. You can tell that woman is aware of her surround. She was connected to the voice of nature. She can listen to the growing plants beneath the ground. She is an integral part of her world and she understands the sorrows and the worries of the envy. She also knows the songs of natures pleasure, so get outside. If you can't get to Paris this summer. And taken some Paris, like Scobie by flowers and by water and listen. To the earth and listen to be inspired. You're better off listening to the earth than listening to someone else's. Not. OK, you have a a a good one. I will be back with the next.







That makes no sense. I really. Crappy, but it's. That is. Guitar. All right, guitar. I don't. Guitar. Describe the situation between the two right now. Someone's writing music. This person has a lot of similarities to. I read this Twin Flame card as it's complicated, It's narcissistic, or there's lots of coincidences. Yeah, there's financial support, so it might be narcissistic. That. What is the situation? Here someone's writing. Alright, I'm gonna lead towards creative writing because the guitar, so probably music in some way. And it could just be about writing about how it's so complicated. I don't know. There's financial support, you know? Maybe this person is writing music and they need financial support, you know, in some way. There's a lot of avoiding, there's feeling of needing to be rescued or to rescue someone. Could have a meeting. I mean, I don't know if there's drinking involved, I'm not sure because again, this is the intervention cards. That there's a need to intervene in some way. There's a meeting, You know what I mean? So. I don't know if the. The, the whatever art was created. If it's led to, if it's speaking to the financial burden, if it's speaking to wanting to avoid having an intervention or or you know there is this, it's there is some energy here that is unclear. That describes the situation between the two of you. Let's continue on, because then you get more of the picture here. What don't you know about this situation that would help you make it a better decision? The trash card, disregarding, thrown out. Again, some telepathic dream song. So because we're talking about music here, someone's throwing away some kind of song, they've thrown away some song or they've disregarded some song. Umm. Because it was causing chaos. And if someone's on the verge? So I don't know if they wrote a song. And now they're throwing it away because it it's causing chaos, even though maybe it was a an urge to confess something. Again. There's this online looking for it, and then this unexpected it pops up and energy. So. Something you don't know about. Maybe this song was disregarded. You know. In some way, maybe you thought the? Whatever was disregarded, it was because it was causing chaos, because it was about a drama queen. You know, someone's on the verge to confess that they have been looking for some. I'm searching for something and this thing spontaneously pops up. So. Again, because we're dealing with some kind of, like, creative energy. I'm not sure. Let's continue. Continue. How do they feel about your presence in their life? Did you write, Did you write the song or did they write the song? They love you. They love your presence in their. Makes them very nervous because they have real feelings. I know musicians are hot, but they are unreliable. They're really in love with you, but they're nervous because they feel like this. They can't see what's going on. You know, there's there's this an illusion, illusion of faithfulness in some way. That card actually was. I know we'll find our way back, but there's this illusion of faithful and strong. It's quiet illusion. How do they feel? The first card out the gate is lovely. There's real love. They they love you, OK? And I make some fucking nervous and they're more nervous about it than ever before. They can't see beyond, you know, some illusion or they feel like it's an illusion in some way. This faithfulness, the strength. Um. Or. You know, they may, they may think love is an illusion. Like this idea of faithfulness, strength is only leads, has only led them to boredom. So you know, there's an emotion, there's a there's different emotions going on in this reading. Like I said, they've written something. In which communicates you know either it's complicated the the passion between you the the. The connection in some way. How are they describing? As a healer. Someone has a passion to serve others by repairing mind, body and spirit. C As a Don Juan, someone that spotlights your positive, seductive qualities and a storyteller the ability to experience. And express life through stories and symbols. So they would describe you to someone else as, you know, a Don Juan, someone who's like real seductive. You know. Might have other agendas though as the Storyteller and as the Healer, so those are all very nice cards. Have they contemplated? Contact. You're. Working. They're, they're they're working. They're carrying a very heavy burden. Great how this person is working. Yeah, for some ditch, they're carrying some burden first. They're working and carrying some burden. For some. Again, it looks like they're very busy, right? And so I think they fear that if they try to communicate with you right now they are too burdened their their boss is either a bench. You know, again, they're trying to get money together, possibly. They're possibly working on their home. Whatever they're doing right now, they're busy working. So have they consider contacting you. They feel like they're too busy right now to contact. Competition for their attention. That kind of answers the same questions, it seems like work. There. They're really protective. Is it really protective? The kind of a Dick when it comes to massages. Again, they feel. Not really. They're they they're going to leave everybody out in the cold, like even anybody that messages them. They're not leave them out. Uh, again, because they're they're blocking the situation for some reason and it might just be that, you know, they're trying to get through something. Currently, they're really has that. This one right person. OK. They're really struggling. With whatever they're they're working on because it must be public in some way. They must be competing publicly in some way. When it comes to something, it's heartbreak. Person, right? They're they're blocking it. They're trying to feel, they're trying to protect themselves and. Again, there's like some struggle or competition, and it's public. OK. So I don't know if they are, you know, whatever job they work at, there's some kind of. Ohh competition. Or they've seen. Or you seeing some kind of competition for their attention, you know, publicly on social media. It's heartbreaking because they really are protecting themselves. Big time protecting themselves. Seven of wands, 9 of ones. It's like they're. Maybe they've been struggling just with. Public messages like social media. You know, again, they're going through something. They went through some kind of heartbreak and it looks like they have created like a double defense. Yeah, back to this, this whoever they're working for this bitch. It's such a fucking burden. Their work is such a burden right now. Is this person right for you? Well, they're work. They're really struggling. A really protective. They're dealing with this. The friendship is right. If you. This is personal. The friendship you know you're communicating and friendship right now, and the and the feelings are mutual. So what saying is this person right for you? Well, they're going through a lot right now. And so you might feel, and I don't know if there is a. Ohh desire to cheat or to send cheating messages or friendship messages like I don't know what to say. Think about those three of them with secrets. So it's like I don't know if this is a secret friendship. When it comes to the messages, the the feelings are mutual. So they do have feelings. So is this the right person for you? Well, there's a real fucking struggle when it comes to something public. Whether that be a project could be the song that we're talking about because we're dealing with a musician here. Again. It's it's heartbreaking. This bitch is such a fucking burden. They've just revoked again, there's two blocking cards, so they're really blocking this from happening right now because of what they're dealing with. I feel like they feel like they couldn't invest in it the way. Um. But they are dreaming about this friendship. Or they are dreaming about, you know, cheating messages of some sort. I'm not sure it's mutual. It's hard to tell. If the sun ask again, is this person rate for you? If you hold back. It won't be. You know what I mean? OK. Let's see what's the. It's not giving me great answers. This is the complicated situation. I don't know why you don't know, but they've disregarded some song, thrown it away. Because it's, you know, a drop. It's about causing because it will cause chaos. What they say next? They want control over what I take control. You won't regret it. I have never wanted anybody. Again, they have real love for you. I'm madly in love with you in the first car. I love your stomach, your legs, your lips. You're just perfect. So they would just tell you how much they they love your body and they would tell you that how how badly they want you. They want, they want to take control of the situation. OK, so it looks like something's holding them back right now. Looks like work. OK, are there any sexual vices or addictions you should know about? You can expect them to be very successful. I don't see any vices. It says you expect them to be very success. Or you can expect them to return so. Not saying anything about the addictions, but you can expect this person to be successful and you can expect them to return to you. OK, so maybe, like, they can't see past your illusion right now, but there's they, You know, they feel faithful to you. They feel stronger because of you. They do want you to know that they're particularly bored. So whatever they're doing, they're not doing it and and feeling happy, alright, so if you're not seeing this person, not hearing from this person. It's because they're they're dealing with, you know, some kind of. Bitch kind of Boss energy. All right. What guidance does Terrell offer you here with this particular situation? It's really a lose, lose situation. You can expect to have some. Um. Or some depression. Maybe they're fighting. Or be sad about the absolute reality. Of why they are so guarded. And it's because they were shunned or left out in some way. Um, because of abuse. And again, it's it's just really regrettable. So it's kind of a lose, lose situation because you can expect there to be a level of depression. Because of destiny, Because of the events that have occurred that have led them to a feeling so. Because they were again, ostraca. They're really waiting for this burden to end with work. And then they'll be free of that karma. So right now it's a lose, lose situation. You know, you can expect that, you know there to be a little bit of sadness. Um. With whatever they're going through right now and it's, and that's why they're so. Um. It could be judgmental, but you know, they could judge harshly. Because they've been judged. So they might have a reaction. They've been. Again. Until they can get through this. That work and it will looks like it is going to end. It will lead to their freedom. Uh. Possibly to break up, or possibly to you know of of karma in some way. So it looks like after they're done working. Ohh. Whatever they're working on. The judgment here is that there's some dust in your foot. There's some events that have to. Oh my God, all these people weren't just popped up in here. The judgment is there is some destiny that's going to occur that has to has to do with X, has to do with the cheating man with the Dick. And this whole. And someone. So there's lots going on. Yeah, there's anger. It would make you very angry if you you must have just asked in your head what what happened to make them so. Defensive. And the judgment here is it's these four particular people, the acts. This king of wands could be a fire sign. He's achiever. Alright, the there's some deck. This is a king of swords. Air sign. Could be lawyer, could be teacher. Someone who uses their words and then this fucking hard. Queen of Wands and it's created all. It was lots of anger, whatever they went through a lot of anger. So there was multiple people. This is the reason why in the end it made them stronger the strength card. It was strong betrayal. Whatever happened with these four people led to strong betrayal, and it's why they have double defenses. They might have known these people from school, or they work with these people. Again, this person will return. Are. They're really juggling right now With what? Between? What makes them happy? And is it worth the money? OK, so whatever they're doing with their work right now is really making them juggle with happiness and then this small sum of money. All right? So they're back and forth, they will return, They will be successful on dealing with whatever it is that these four people particularly did to. But they're really struggling with what would make them happy. So again, this person is working on that. OK. You can. You can keep on watch for messages that send messages. Keep a watch for messages, it says. About the children and and the home and. The dream. Of this feeling. So within the messages, whatever messages they send, whether they're real messages or, you know, Facebook or Instagram or something like that. Or even emails, I don't know, you know. There is this, you know, watching. Keep an eye out for the messages, about the children, about the home. Keep dreaming. About this the. The feelings are mutual. OK. So again, this person is very busy right now, so if you're not getting the reaction that you want from them, but they don't seem interested, it's because they don't want to lead you into a situation in which they can't fulfill it. OK. Again, they're they're dealing with something. OK. I hope that helped. I will be back with the last.





I forgot the special card for the gate. Elixir of life. Greens were just like, one more thing to say. Healing. Did you venation true? A woman is leaning towards a deep red rose. She faces the flower with her eyes closed, concentrating on the luscious bloom. She is receiving the sweet scent of nature and energy of life. The wind rustles with her hair, whispering the truths of the universe into her ear. She can hear her own breath. Sitting quietly in nature by the stream. Right in the garden you can help still our wandering minds and heal our troubled hearts. And this is the second. The first message was very much. The Paris method was very much similar in their last card, where. Enjoy nature. What nature speaks to you instead of letting these other people? All right, on to the next reading. What is? I'm gonna be cord travel and. This is a moon with a mane. All right, it's it's a beautiful moon, but it's got like a Florida leaf, man. Beautiful chart. It's the moon. OK, here we go. What is the situation between the both of you? OK, there's love. Love. But there's also other waves of emotion that are coming in now. Again, there's like this this entrapped field. There's love and maybe they these these, they have waves of feeling trapped by it. They feel like time is running out for them though. Define the soul. OK, so there's real love. But it's coming in, you know, in waves of feeling trapped by it. Yet they feel this tick tock this deadline. Again, when it comes to the soul, mate. What don't you know about their situation that would help you make? Today they would deny. They would deny an interview. Today, they would deny a conversation. So right now, they don't want to. They feel magnetically drawn to. And there's some. Dealing with some kind of financial support. Getting. This is love. Chronic situations that they. Legal. So like in the background is like this need to have, you know, there's some karma to be furnished when it comes to some kind of legal settlement. But today they don't want to talk about it. So. So again, what? What don't you know about their situation? Well, there's today, they don't want to talk about it. If you tried to to talk to him, they would deny you. They wouldn't want to talk about it. Uh, they do feel full to you, but there's like this financial support issue. There's this needing proof. You know that this is not just a secret, that this is not just a love affair. Um, so again there. Again, there's some of these emotional waves where they don't want to be trapped by this law. But they feel the time is running out, so there's like this push and pull energy about dealing with this emotions with you. Do you feel about your presence? I think you're. Untenable. You make them feel warm. You feel kind of guilty. Because of the. Whatever whatever truth they hold, they feel guilty. You can see through. You are relaxed. You should do something. I feel relaxed by your seduction. So how will you seduce this person? And it relaxes you. Seduce them by relaxing them, which is in. They've really been through some sadness and some fear. Or the fact that it your seduction relaxes them so much, makes them ultimately feel sad, and makes them feel afraid because they've been scarred by love before. So you bring out emotionally, you bring out this wild side and and in them, you know, you remind them that they can't, they can't be tamed in some way. And that untamed edness makes them feel feel guilty, makes them feel shameful, that they can't control themselves when they're with you or when they think about you because there is some very deep truth. Between you and, you know, with this love back to maybe why they don't want to talk about it right now. You really relax them the way you seduce them. Relaxes them, which is really interesting, but it also makes them feel sad because they they have to pretend. That they don't want this. That doesn't make them sad that they don't have. But it also brings them fear because. You know what if they lose you or? What have you heard? How would they describe someone? As the rescuer provides strength support to others in crisis, they would say that you're asking. That you're healed. Passionate Serve others and repair body, mind and soul so they will call you to the rescue where they call you the healer. They would also call you the rebel, someone who challenges authority and challenges social. And they also call you the network. Someone who you know enhances unity. Washed, You know, through sharing of information. It's very empathetic. These are beautiful cards. The network or the rescuer, The healer, the rebel. That's what they will say to you. About you behind your back. Have they considered continuing? Yes. Yes, yes, it would make them very happy to talk. Yeah. You feel like a foundation? Yes. It would feel like home. They would really quickly want to talk to you, but again, they would. They're keeping that secret because they're juggling. They're struggling right now. They might be watching children and then also trying to to deal with money. They might be feeling poor in some way or maybe too poor for you and they're wanting to grow something and and have more security for you in some way. So again. Yeah, they would love to talk to you, but they don't feel like they have enough to give you. That. You feel like you? Require them to have more. To have more status. Is there competition for their attention? Whatever means. I don't. The competition for their attention home, home would be competition for their attention. But that's going to transform. This man with feelings here, he's got a gift. Take care. Back to this, I feel like they want Yeah, the feelings are mutual. Ohh. I feel like they want to give you something. You know, and they want to give you this. Really great foundation, this, you know, they have in their minds something they want to give you, and I feel like they haven't acquired the means to do that yet and that's what they're searching for. But the feelings are very mutual. So is there competition? There might be competition at home, but that's going to come to an end. The gift is, you know is. The abundance is. Building the the. State in some way, like building the foundation to continue to build. Yes, the the feelings are mutual. So this is, is there competition? I don't think so because they have feelings for you. But there might be competition when it comes to what's happening at home. This person right for you? The devil so tempting. There's fear. Nobody fear of cheating and they're and there's hoes, you know there's there's hours cleaning blondes. There's a fear of cheating hoes. Possible children? Would be. Personal right for you. While you're afraid they're going to be there's going to be cheating. They're going to cheat with with hoes. You know, there might be other children. You know, it's regrettable because they just feel, because of this stigmatization, because they feel poor, they hold that. It's a losing situation. So you might. You're going to have, you're going to fear these other women. Fear that they're going to cheat with other women. And that maybe they're younger women because it's throwing the page of 1. So like this could be a horror or kids. Or this could be. A younger woman. An amateur woman? Again, it would be regrettable because it's stigmatized. Needing to hold back because of loose, loose situation, it would be foolish. So you're, you know, is this person right for you? Well, you're going to have this fear that they're going to cheat with younger women. And you'll regret it. But that would stigmatize them. So they have a reason to pull back, because it would be foolish and they would be denied. So you might have any rational. They're an older man. You might have any rational. Yeah, they. I mean they might just want money for baby daddy money kind of energy like child support back to this child support card is on the. On the deck. You might be afraid that they're that they would, you know, get a lot of attention from younger women, and the cards are saying that that would be foolish. For them. And that they would be stigmatized in some way, so they would most definitely hold back from that. That doesn't answer the question of this person, right? But if you can get over your your worry, it's mutual. Feelings are mutual. Whenever the feelings are mutual, that means is the right person for you. Well, the feelings are mutual. So they like you too? You. I want you to. You are so good with your. I want to return. So they would. They would set you about wanting to go down. Returning the. Next to you about what they want you to wear, Dress up for them. What they could do to make you more? Any sexual advice? Dictation. Pause. They. Selfish woman. They have these, like, selfish. They have these, like, selfish daydreams. OK, that again would upset you for sure. They have. They might Daydream. Yeah, it would break your heart. So. Yeah, they might have. They might. You know, you're over here sitting here worrying about, you know, younger women or horses and their kids or immature horses in some way. Yeah, they might sit there and fantasize about, you know, selfishly fantasize about having sex with other women. So much so would make you angry for sure. Break your heart so. Ohh yeah, there's some sexual advices there. Anything else? They would hold back though, because it's such a lose lose situation. These people are forced, right? He would. He would hold back from shooting, but he's definitely mentally cheap. So that's up for you. To to figure out what guidance do they take cards off of this situation. Maybe that's why you're having these, like, subconscious fears about being trapped by this person. There could be a secret trip or be dreaming about trip. Remove. Because they're feeling very sad and they're feeling very stressful, stressed out. So what's the guidance here like? Dream about taking a vacation because you're really this is either you or them again there's this sort of sadness in this stress and. There's this real you need to hold. It's time to rest. Whatever you've been through is it's time to rest. OK. Yeah, if you make the decision to take the trip or to travel. Even if you don't have very much to give to it, to it, the judgment is it will kind of stand up for you and this heart during this heartbreak. Kind of. I don't know if you're trying to protect yourself from heartbreak. Again, there's like a secret trip, remove or dreaming of a move. Ohh, I think it's a secret. I think dreaming about taking a trip, you need to dream about taking a trip. You're you've been really sad, you've been really stressed out. It is time for you to have some R&R. That is the first line of the table. Whatever you've been through, regardless of this person in this situation, you need to go on vacation. You need to take a break from this situation. All right? The decision is you know the world, so you know go the distance. Even if you have to go the distance on very little, the judgment is this will help. Protect you from a broken heart. You what you what you will see. Is that everything falls apart. It will be the end to this fight and then you will be happy so. Yeah. Whatever's happening at work is done. There was nothing but manipulation. And a bird. So you need a little trip. Whether it's a weekend fucking trap, you need to go clear your fucking head. Surely they'll be sacks and you will decide. You will decide that the fear. You will decide to deny the fear. So you got fucked this person, and died of fear. But this, again, this relationship has some stability to it. So. Overall, energy really is saying you need vacation, you need a break, you need some harm and R. OK, because whatever ride you just got off of was exhausted. Alright, they don't want to talk about it today anyway, OK. You know. There is love here, but there is a fear of getting caught. You're getting trapped by it. A fear that times running out. It's like a lose lose situation. I'm picking one of these Oracle of magical moments for everyone to end their reading to kind of give kind of something to grow on. You know, queen bee strength, growth, motherhood. Madame Queen Bee is big and strong, yet gentle and mothering. Her skirt is a flower tower, a home for bees that sustain an ecosystem. She gives strength. Power and life to her surroundings. She is Mother Nature. She is responsible for, responsible for the tulips that sent energy into the world and all that grows to know the beauty of each day. Her children are the children of her. She nurtures us all. Yeah, I feel like if you're a mom, you need a break. Whatever, you need a weekend to yourself. OK. Umm, you know, gonna be it's worth it. Gonna be, Sir, if you if you have kids and you have no other means. You need to take a break. So beautiful Crescent moon. Here's the duction does relapse then. It said multiple times the feelings are mutual, so you have similar feelings. There is love cards in this in this reading, but there is also some denial not wanting to talk about it right now. And maybe you need the rest, too, before this can come, you know, come to fruition or come you know, up out of whatever situations you both find yourself in. Yeah. It's beautiful charm, though, like I said, it's like a Crescent moon with a main. Uh, yeah. There's the readings. I'll be back with some.

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