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Moving is not easy, but on the other side is more stability. Driving cross-country will teach you so many things: how to keep up with the fast trucks for days, how the change in terrain can affect your outlook, and how challenging it can be on the third day of driving. Pacing yourself is the most important lesson to learn when undertaking a cross-country moving marathon. The worst thing is not being in the driver's seat. After your reading, stick around for the "Rebel of the Zodiac" series featuring Aquarius!

Axe: 00:24:10

Angel: 00:41:05

Dinosaur: 00:59:13

Aquarius Lovers: 01:17:42

⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions

Episode 75


Moving is not easy, but on the other side is more stability. Driving cross-country will teach you so many things: how to keep up with the fast trucks for days, how the change in terrain can affect your outlook, and how challenging it can be on the third day of driving. Pacing yourself is the most important lesson to learn when undertaking a cross-country moving marathon. The worst thing is not being in the driver's seat. After your reading, stick around for the "Rebel of the Zodiac" series featuring Aquarius!


Axe: 00:24:10

Angel: 00:41:05

Dinosaur: 00:59:13


Aquarius Lovers: 01:17:42


⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions




Doesn't move. Thanks. Does. My parents, probably. Abraham. But. Your hands are moved. Though they were in Ohio for, you know, 35. Yeah. Oh my God practiced at hospital here. They decided. You know it's it's kind of an interesting how how it kind of came about like you know my my mom and dad always wanted to move back to the West. They. Back to to Arizona and. When the there was some contract disputes and some issues with the hospitals actually went under a little while after he left, so they were having issues. Um. He looked for another job. And we had different medical companies and this and that. And so they were starting to kind of wind those down to. The Clintons came in and changed Part A, Part B, Medicare and how it ran through nursing homes and completely crippled. My, you know any anybody who was working with the elderly, quite frankly, medically wise crippled all of these mom and pop companies that were created to help the elderly. You know so. My parents had all these great businesses but. Once they put the middle. By the way they paid was different and it was just enough. Those businesses couldn't, couldn't, survive. So we were in the process of, you know, closing businesses. They were mostly like reading X-rays, like my father and a few other radiologists came together and they read for small. You know, family practice centers that had, you know, basic actuary in their office. And then we did, we had a service on mobile actually service in which they would go to nursing homes. And to you know take take X-rays and different types of exams that that nursing home patients need so that they, the families wouldn't have to to have the cost of transporting them by ambulance to the hospital and back just for an X-ray to see, you know, they have pneumonia. Most of it was to check to see if you had pneumonia. Majority of it. So they, you know, so they had this business in which you know, or old people swallow things or have problems swallowing and sometimes they can be choking on things and you need to see what's going on and things like that. It's, you know, taking care of the elderly, elderly is not easy. And so like I said, the Clinton era, they changed. You know, and this is actually why medicine has become so much big corporate. That's why I mess is now corporate. It's because of this change. And This is why you don't have small mom and pop medical businesses that can service rural communities. So all of our rural communities. Really suffered because of the changes made by the Clintons when it came to how? How? Medicare. Medicaid. Page through. Skilled nursing facilities. So anyway, you don't need to be bogged down by the business aspect of that. But my parents really saw this as an opportunity to go kind of do something different, you know what I mean? And by that point, my sister was in her assisted living scenario. We had everything taken care of. She had, she had caregivers, she had her workshop, she had a home. And no longer was her care, you know, completely dependent on us as a family. So it was the first time for my folks and you know in 25 years that they were like 3. OK, uh, Tanya is very much like taking care of a toddler. So you know, for her her entire life, it's very difficult. Her level of autism. OK. So. Anyway, they were kind of free. And there was more opportunity out, less, because again, these rule small hospitals. They need a doctor like my dad that can do all different modalities. He doesn't. He's like a general radiologist, but he does. He does all the specialties too. And he can do all the special procedures and anymore all these doctors. Some specialized that to have one of my father you would require 3 specialty. Type radiologist so he could do the job of three, you know what I mean? So there was this real need in all of these communities, in these rural communities to have a doctor that can do it all. So you know, he started after the companies closed and the and the hospital he worked for here, you know, started. Issues. He started, you know, practicing and out West. In a lot of different states. And so they kind of travel around. They started out in Santa Fe and then they go from safe ohh Santa Fe. Then they moved to. To Carson City, NV. And then from Carson City, they went to Monett, Missouri, which is out there just kind of near the Ozarks and and Branson. And then from there, we move them from there to Phoenix and then I think from Phoenix. To Roswell, NM, and then from Roswell to Las Cruces, it was damaged. It was just a little town little hospital outside of Las Cruces. And then from there they went to Yuma. Arizona and then from Yuma, they went to Tuba City, AZ, which he now works at. Hospital. On the hoping Navajo reservation, so he does medicine. They have a really hard they have probably the hardest time getting doctors to go. To these type of hospitals. So he so his whole end of his career has been giving service to rural. Hospitals, rural medicine. So. Anyway, they've moved a lot. We have moved. So what happens is that we're moving. OK, I come out, I help my mom pack. My dad gets on a plane or gets in his car and goes to the next destination, starts working. And then my mom and I pack everything up. Get movers and then, you know, take the cars. Drive the cars to wherever is the next destination. You can tell these are all these destinations are very far. From one another like major, like Rd. trips, couple day Rd. trips. On top of packing and then unpacking. Then we get there, Unpack. And so I did that for. We did that almost every every year to every two years for a period of nine years, I think, yeah. Yeah, so anyway. I'm really hoping this is the last move, the last time my parents move save. My mom describes it as their gypsies. See the desert. So they've just been going around out West, just giving, you know? Healthcare services to to rural communities. Umm. But yeah, this this is they finally got got this great place in Tucson. So right now. I'm probably surrounded by boxes and probably covered in dust. Probably cleaning everything that's coming out-of-the-box. Breaking boxes down and move them my folks in, that's probably what's happen. But I wanted to share it because I've done a lot of cross country driving with my mom. Like what? I tell you that I've been all over the place. Uh, some of the coolest, like all the trips kind of meld together, but some of the cool stops that we've done, I've driven over the Hoover Dam. That was really cool. And. I've done it. We've been in that area twice. The first time I made my mom drive across the damn, I said I don't know if I'm ever going to be back here. I wanted let's drive over the dam, you know? And we stopped at this great BBQ place. Really overlook the Dam and it was really great BBQ. I just remember that was amazing. Are we going in the time? The next time we came through there? We did the bypass because we were on a really tight schedule so we didn't have also seen Salt Lake. Which is scary, because Nevada has all these signs that like, don't pick up Hitch. Like that's scary because it's like, you know, I'm gonna drive here for like 2 hours and there's nothing scary. High security. Huge mining. But one trip in particular. Was very spiritual. I got hurt on this trip. Uh. We were. It was we were moving them from Missouri to Phoenix, OK. So we get everything packed up and we leave Missouri. I think we went through Kansas City, Oklahoma. I think we were on our way. Become a thing we might have calmed down. I have to look at a map I think we came down. And got in line with Denver and then drove to Denver and then came down into Arizona. I think that's how we, I think that's how we went. So I think we like kind of dip down. State. Remind me? Like I said, I've been all over. This row. Love your. That I can see with my eyeballs. Yeah, I think we came down. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. We came across Oklahoma. Through taxes. I thought we were friends. North. And then, yes, we went north. We probably went N on our way there. Way back to Arizona, yeah, we had to do 40. We had to go down to 40. Yeah, ohh yeah, we definitely went down to 4. OK, so so anyway. Really. OK, it's our first full day on the road. I don't know it was. Yeah, because we went to Denver and then. God damn true. See, this is the problem. Once you like, do once you cross like these things all over. You know, like trips. Anyway, Long story short, I know the bases. So. Uh. So we're on the road today, we're on the road today and we're already, I'm already fucking beat, but I just, I drive, so I'm driving. Sayer. No, I think Nebraska Sayer. Yeah, it's Nebraska. Yeah, it was Nebraska. So we had to go up and then come down through. Just stay over and go down through it. Maybe we did. We had to because we it was in Nebraska. I've done 40 though. Anyways, I know it was in Nebraska. So. Braska. Don't worry. And we saw that at Travel Center. You know, I'm pulling, We have a Jeep and we're pulling my momma's little Roadster car. OK, so we're pulling a car. We saw in Nebraska at this travel center. I'm filling the car up, OK? I'm getting ready to take a break. I just got done driving. And my mom sitting in the car. And you have to understand, Like, my mom doesn't like to listen to music on road trips, which sucks. So we're listening to all these books on tape. So we're probably on our, you know, probably listening to a book on tape this entire time. Some self-help. Fucking bullshit. Which we did like this one saying I love traveling with my mom, except she doesn't like music and she finds it too distracting, which drives me crazy. I don't like to listen to books on tape while I do. So anyway. We pull in, I'm getting gas, and I step off this ledge. All right, step off this ledge and. I throw my left foot out to kind of catch me and I roll my left ankle. And in the process I fling forward and try to catch myself with my right foot and then snap. Face down on the fucking ground. I don't know what the fog. My foot snapped. I thought I broke my fucking foot and the pain hit me. So fucking hard knocked the wind right out of me. I'm in the middle of Nebraska, I am at a very busy travel center and I am on the ground face on the ground next to a gas pump and I can't get up. I can't get up. I seriously couldn't get up. I I pulled myself together. I'm trying to scream for my mom. Who's in the car with the window cracked? I'm trying to scream for her cause I'm on the ground. And there's all these people. I can't even get a breath out because I'm in so much fucking pain. And finally I pull myself up. And I I kind of get on the ledge and I'm looking at my foot and I'm trying to get enough air to yell from my mom. And there's all these people around. No one gives a shit. Like goes fucking invisible. I finally get my mom's attention and she comes around like I fucked up my foot. You know, I think I broke it. I couldn't even put weight on it. So my mom, we hobbles me over into the car. And we ask in the travel center, you know, where is the nearest hospital? And it was 30 minutes back. To say. So we get on the highway and we go back to Sayer and we go to the hospital and because we we know I need an actuary just to make sure I didn't break it. Because I couldn't put any weight on it at all. And I get an actually, it's not broken. So now I know that it's like massive soft tissue, like I've, you know, ruptured A tendon or or a ligament in my foot. My toes swell up the size of baby carrots. Immediately it looked like it broke. It looked like they had bones taken out, but it was actually from. It was the attendance of my actual foot. And so they gave me an ice pack. No crutches. And I think I get like one pain pill. And I get a, you know, prescription for pain meds and a prescription for. Crutches. And we had just missed. We had just missed the. Everything was closed, so we we end up getting a hotel. And it was so funny because I couldn't fucking walk and we're pulling this car so we, my mom, can't pull and get me any closer. And so she goes and takes all this, you know, our our bags into the hotel. She gets the hotel room. And she comes back and my mom is not, like, able to carry me, Alright, so she's we're trying, you know? I mean, she's trying to be my other foot and keep me balanced as I hop into this. God damn. Hotel. And so we get like 2 steps in and I see these two nice young men. There was a rodeo nearby and they were dressed for the rodeo like to go out to dinner and rodeo. So yeah, they were looked real nice, OK. Two nice looking guys walk out and I I wave them over and I remember feeling so like insecure because I stop. OK, because like when you have pain sweats. That's on my period. I have pain sweats from the foot. And so I stink, you know, like I can smell myself. I fucking have body odor. I'm like, I break, OK? I've been in pain, so I've been sweat. And these two? Nice. Like just freshly fucking showered. They're probably on their way to the fucking bar. These two nice looking guys come out. Can you help me get to the hotel room because my mom is not strong enough? To really hold my weight for me to get there and these two nice young. It's like I don't ask for help very often but these two nice young men sucking carry me into the into the hotel I stink to high hell they at least they all they both have. Both of them have really nice Cologne on slightly lost. Luckily they probably couldn't smell me over the column. Because I was like like hard time. Fucking hurt. For his completely fucking forward. Anyway, just like those two, nice gentleman. I don't know who they are or wherever they are, but they were Good Samaritans that day. And then once I got in there, the hotel had a. Have a rolly chair. And so I just rolled myself around the rest of the night there and in the morning we were able to get my crutches and get pain medicine. It was fucking horrible. And so it's the morning we're getting ready to get back on the road and we stop at the same place I fucking hurt myself because it's got a restaurant. And we get gas. And we're going in to have breakfast, and this is my first time ever on crutches, OK? Ever. And we get in to the restaurant and there's this Indian dude sitting in the in the seat next to us, OK? And so my mom and I were sitting there getting ready to have breakfast. We still got a long way to go. We got two more days of fucking driving. And we start talking, this guy here, he's a showman. From Apache Junction. And so we use a truck driver shaman, and we ended up talking to this guy for like an hour and a half that morning. He was a really great guy and he did this whole blessing for us for the rest of the trip. So like, when I look and think about, like my Heroes Journey, you know what I mean? Like I actually had a moment on the road. You know, at a truck stop breakfast place. Where Shaman? Shaman came and blessed me and my mother and he gave us his beads. And I really hope this is one thing I want to ask my mom. Those beads are in her stuff that we're unpacking right now in Arizona. I'm going to ask her to have. I want them. It was, I know, it's just it was just a beaded belt that he had on his hand, but he gave us his beaded belt. As hat so I hope that this brings you protection for the rest of your travels. I did follow my bought quite a few times with the. With the project. Uh, but I finally figured it out by the time we got to Arizona, because we were pulling a car every time we stopped. At a rest area. You know, we had to go to the truck entrance. And so, like, you know, we're talking about walking a mile to go to the bathroom. And I remember getting to these, like, rest areas that were huge. And like, we get into the bathroom and I'm exhausted, OK? I've never been on crutches before. My left leg doesn't know what the fuck to do about this entire thing. Ohh my right leg, my right foot can't even touch the ground without shooting. And. Anyway, yeah. Get on the toilet and sit there and like mom. I'm just gonna sit here for 5 minutes. I've already stopped going to the bathroom and you go over to the bathroom, you go to your thing. I just want someone bullet for awhile. And take a breather and then we'll get back to the car. But it's not because she had to drive the next two days by herself with me all hobbled. And the saying that we had a whole bunch of other issues. Once we got to Phoenix, we finally got him, moved in. I came back shortly after that and got married. This is the trip. This was like the last one, the last trips. Well, no, I did another one. It was like the second to the last trip before I got married, so I came back from this whole journey. For me and the shaman. And hurting myself so far. Got married? Right after that. But yeah, that's it. Like I said, I've been all over the place. I I easily can I can drive, I can drive 3 hours before I need a break. I prefer to prefer if I'm driving with someone to do 2 on to off to on to off because I feel like we get too tired if we try to hold the three and three and. 3. It just feels more natural. So if you ever go on a long road trip with somebody, I highly recommend to our flip around and then I don't know. You know, you just gotta take it as it comes. That's the one thing I learned about traveling with my mom. And my dad and generally just get on the road. You do what you can do, you get to where you can get to find a hotel and go from there. And pushing crazy the first day isn't going to make your trip any better. You should always just go at your pace. You can put if there's any time to push. It's the last, It's the last year. This week's show UH, The Charms are Acts, Angel, and Dinosaur. So. We'll do aquariums as our Zodiac lovers, so stick around for that. So yeah, that's my cross country move story I guess. But like for me it was like a pivotal point in my journey, you know, I said like I. I hurt myself on that, you know, I think I was. 20. Seven, I think 26 to 27 at the time it was 2006, so it was 26 time. Insert myself so badly at my my finally my dad looked at before I said, well, do you think I should go get an MRI? And it's like, it's not like you're going to be your runner. You're not like an athlete. Just let it heal. And so it actually took six months for that. But to heal, I gained a bunch of weight. I was at my heaviest on my marriage, and it was all because I fell Hurt myself at some fucking gas station little fucking crack. did you do you know gotta roll with it so there's an actual like greedy cross country move story you guys enjoy the show




Let's see. You need to make the offer to have the heart to. Need to make. This is. It's a third party. It makes. Have been. It's really. This situation. Kind of this. You feel it? Energy. Telepathic. And then you know someone's trapped. Pregnancy. So this. It's telling you to make the. Someone else involved? Relationship. This is forbid. But you're weighed down by. By. Spiritual or emotional connection? That being able to see it. You. What don't you know about this? Better. You're on the verge. There have been. There's a lot of image. Thank God. So. About the situation where they're on the. To. To. There's. And. There's some Patty Jealous. Certain. Before they were. Really. Gossip. So again, you need to have. Express. Notions make the effort great Love is worth. Guiding needed to make the effort to. Stop. How? Feels. We feel very. And there's lots. About not. They've been. So there's a lot of there's love here. Because again. This What's going on? Passing. Yeah, you need to have a. Right now. Feel like this? There's. Flying. You get the idea. It is extremely strong. Still. So there is a. This relation. You say that you rescued. They would say that. Action. Say you're kind of foolish. Fearlessly. So. Once again, your romantic kind of fool. Offer. Move on from the fear of being. They're working really hard. There's a few., But they wished they wish they could come. Create a file. It would create stress. You have to move on from their fear of being ghosted. Something possibly really foolish happened at work with some deck, or you're working on some deck and it's very foolish. It keeps growing. It's leading towards a breakup or it's leading towards some kind of criminal, but they really do wish that they could communicate with. But it will create a fight anymore. Conversation. And they feel this person has. Kind of avoiding. Personality feels like. So you might have to go. You know, break up the tension with this, with this conversation is their competition for their attention. They are free in some way. But the judgment is they're still carrying a very heavy burden. Very high heavy burden until. They're ready to make it on for. Um. All of this is gift again. They're free, right? In some way. The judgment is. Maybe you're the one carrying the bird. Or the judgment, as it would be a burden. But. And a gift would be a burden and a gift. Is there competition for their attention? It ends with a no. Not real. This person, right? The messages are a burden of very burden. But yeah. Whatever messages are between you, they they carry a heavy burden, but yes. Looking sexy? I'm going to. They might. That. So. Left. Obviously you have to be. You know, check it out. There's motions. Hearts and feel. Work is really junk. Work really has them juggling right now. They're dealing with this there. Either a big offer or some kind of big deal. This Dick is a big. They're really general work this deck is. Again, they're really regretting. You know, kind of leaving you out in the cold and regretting. Again, some kind of. Shot out energy. Secret. The boss of the father. Either dies or transforms the situation, and they sneak. So the boss comes and it completely ends this scenario with this stick and this big. And then, because it was sneaky, there's some kind of sneaky. Question. I'm not. Like. Um. Again, this boss or father interview. You don't go it it it kills it all. It it transforms the situation. It's not the same. After this, boss catches on to whatever is going on in secret. There's definitely something. This big deal, it's so regrettable. Again, someone that gets left out in secret and then the emperor of the boss. I have to say the boss here because this is all about warmth. You know, the deal is sneaky because, like, I almost like an underhanded, sneaky deal. It's. Get really causes them to distress and depression. And any any action they take would cause a fight if they take any action or cause a fight. So again, back to this. They're really dealing with a lot. They're under a lot of stress. There's an Empress here, a mother of some sort. Again, she's got a secret. She feels. Abandoned in some way. Wants to invest and moving and breaking up. Again. It's a sweet, it's sweet, but it's a burden and it creates a mind. Something to think. So again, the mother secretly feels left out. And it's only getting worse. And she wants to move. And there you go up. But here's all these sweet sentimental feelings. Which? Make it harder to do. It's causing the mind trap. And then? God is right. So and then it creates progress. The decision is to return. And it's heartbreaking that decision will be to return and its heart. So again, if you don't make an effort, if you don't have a heart to heart conversation. It looks like the decision will be deleted and it's. So if you don't do anything. They're gonna go away. Users option and that's something really kind of. This. Again, this emperor, this father is and he takes the action though that causes the death of, causes the. The complete transformation of this. Of the actual straps. Ends. It completely puts an end or but you knows a trail of this big deal with this big off. This is the kind of. Then there's this e-mail, a message from home. About the trip and he was home and messages. So I feel like. It's saying cheating would be about. But you still need to make an effort. There. Maybe this person will get the acts, you know what I mean? You know, at the end of the day. Say that. At least your feelings are not. At least you're not gonna sit there five years from now and say, what if I? If you tell them and it helps me out and helps you. So it's good for you. And again, you don't have to go about it as a heart. Heart palpitation of what's? You know. You can just say there's feelings. You know. Honestly. There was nothing wrong with. There's nothing wrong. And that lease gives someone a choice. All the options right now. To be too big. Or whoever is this third party, so if you don't make the effort. This person. If you want that lumber jacket then. I'll be back next week



It's an Angel. Angel Watch. Past life relation, you have known each other. OK, so you have known each other before, so this is dealing with someone you either known before that was part of your past life. This would be really a relationship you had in the past. Or it could be, you know, that metaphysical reincarnation. Someone would just feel kindred with that kind of. What is the situation between you both? Right now? You both feel very locked down. And you need both explain some negative. There's a wish here. There's a wish. But there's still some traders. Yeah, it still triggers this. Like tragedy, this forbidden. The Ascension card, which is my you need to get up out of this. It's the. There's someone on the verge to confess and show some proof. OK. So the situation, right? Those kind of confined. In some. You can't. Do what it what it is. To do because there's this real need to clear space to make space to remove negativity so that you can allow this type relationship, or you need to remove the negativity from the past of this relationship. There really is a wish and a yearning that this will work. But there's all these triggers, you know, when it comes to forbidden love, which, you know forbidden love is. Something that again their family or their status makes it so that you can't love them or. Relationship. Again, there's a need to walk the spiritual path to get up on out of this, like feeling confined someone here, whether it be you or whether it be them. Is on the verge to show some proof. Why don't you know about this situation? That would help me help you. It might be drastically cutting off toxic people. They're drastically. Extreme. They're cutting off extreme. Women. This could be you know this could be. Feminazi energy. This could be, you know that. Really. Toxic feminine energy. You know, it's just as. Ohh. Judgmental, right? So like, they're in the process here, either cutting these. Type of women how their lives. Or. With these type of women, normally cut them off because of his toxicity possibly, I'm not sure. Again, there's this drastic cut off because of toxicity. Toxic. Toxic. People. That, but then here's some kind of spontaneous visit, which is. It's a dirty. So they have a they have something kind of spongy. Fair. It looks like. They're capable. Spontaneous. But then I don't know if this will cut them off or if they're cutting off women. Maybe they. Maybe, I don't know. Again, it was a spontaneous love affair. That they're they're trying to protect. Toxic. So what, you don't, you know, maybe in the past this person got dramatically cut off some way, or cut off. Toxic people had some kind of spontaneous. You know, they didn't see it coming. Love affair. You know something that kind of took them over, right? And maybe they're trying to protect themselves from that happening. Maybe. About your presence. Again, it was a surprise. Did you have a surprise? This is something you don't know. You've been a surprise. And it makes them fear. They're a little afraid. Loves scares me because it's scared. So this was this, this feeling they have with you is been kind of surprised. It makes them afraid, though, because they're afraid of law. Also feel like they need a. We have a darkness. Ohh. But they feel like you're very. Understand. You're really? They're really trying to balance. Their life right now, and they're still. This relationship causes some kind of anger in them, again, because they're feeling so confined, because they have a need to. Remove negative people so. You know there is something very triggering about this to them. Or to the violent, to those of you, possibly because of something that happened. Similarly, possibly in your in your past relationships. So again, there's a feeling here that there's like a haunting. Of. Something from the past and again it's created this gun shyness or it's created this, I don't like Red Flag kind of energy between the two of you where you're you're feeling triggered, you're not wanting to go down a path you've been down before. But again, there's someone on the verge who would they say behind your back? Again, it looks like they had a spontaneous love affair. They would say that you sabotage yourself. That you're afraid of your own power. They would say that you are. It's the Messiah, so I'm going to read this as martyr. You would martyr yourself. Sabotage yourself by murdering yourself. Being 2. Too much humility? Also say that what you touch turns to gold, but that you also are very frugal. That. Have they considered? Yeah. They have feelings and yes, they would like. Deck and they would need to. But there's this Dick and I need to stand up for themselves. Or they need to. Defend themselves. That makes them very angry because he's a cheat. So. Yeah, there's feelings. Yeah, There's it's there's thinking. Yeah. But there's this deck on the way. Again, that's causing. And feel like they need to to stand up for. Defend themselves. Again, this makes some very angry because it's person's a fucking cheek. Maybe they're worried. If someone else is in a relationship here. They would. Looked at like a cheater and that's why they don't want to do. Is a competition. Sex. Sexually trapped or sexually? There's some kind of sexual. Sexually. It's really strong. There's a need to break. So. Come back to this feeling like there's there's definitely because there's a lot of Fair energy someone's in a relationship. Is there competition? For their, you know, for their attention, well, they feel completely, like, sexually trapped. In some way. To a breakup. And it's like it's causing so much stress, it's going to. So that would be no, there's no competition because obviously. You know, we feel. What do you mean by this sex? Might be an auto. No, they're not. Your interrelationship with this whole. They feel like sexual. I'll bite you. They're relationship with the. Actually. It's leading, so you know it's that. It's that. It's that same mentality, you know, Old sex, you know. Sexually frustrated death. This person right for you? There's things that are going to be regrettable, which is part of the destiny of this relationship. But you've kind of stopped. And you can expect some fear. Hold back about your dream about getting. And hold back. From you know. You're going to be held back from your dream of getting married and it being very. Being able to talk about it on Facebook. So there's aspects of this that are going to be regrettable, which is part of the destiny of it. Again, you can expect there to be some fear. Um. Again. This dream gets held back. You know this dream. Marriage gets held back. There's a dream here. You need to hold. Whatever is your dream, you need to hold back. This so. It's hard. That's. It's a that's not a a definite answer. There's gonna be things that are gonna be regret. I need you to heal me with your love. I want to be deep inside. Right. Just. They will tell you how much you know, how much they desire. To the point. Deep inside. So again, back to this. They've been through these really drastic toxic feminine. And so in so many ways. And then they had some kind of spontaneous law. Again, now they feel like you know there's this need for protection. Guidance. It's what's growing here is that they're going to break up. There's a break up with this selfish one. Not only. That she is really guarding her happy. With this. She has been really guarding. Ohh, she's just really been through a lot. She wants us happy ending. The cheating was caught. The cheating was seen. Again, there was a need to move on from the secret. There's a world of secrets. So there is a world of secrets. So again. There is a lot of past life relationships that this person has had. OK, we're talking love affairs. We're talking about toxic women, toxic feminists. We're talking about drastic. Kind of spontaneous socks. Um. So whatever situation, you know. They may have a tendency to cheat out of their relationships. Again. It feels like you're being haunted by this person's past relationship. Or that is going to be a haunting. Situation if you engage in relationship with this person. They're not such an Angel. Again, I you know, I don't know why this Angelic Protection card. I feel like they get manipulated. You have some. To you love. You need to kind of feel this out goes. Again, you're free to continue to work on this, but they you it will. There will. You know. Ghosts and skeletons in the closet of this relationship. Faithful. I feel like this man has not necessarily. Again, most men are his feet. Option. So and it feels like there's gonna be like these pop up. They have these pop up. So the idea that this person is going to be a stable partner. I don't know if that's true because they're gonna have to look at their past life. You know, I come back to this sometimes. You're an Angel. They're not. Feel. Feel like? Backgrounds between. Your purity and your goodness. There are other side, of course we are. Just the nature of the excite. Ah, but this person is pierced ship. The cards overall say there's going it's you can do it. My. Issues. OK. I'll be back with the.





Time. Dinosaur. Switch your action. You attract romantic love by enjoy. Enjoy. Describe the situation. It's unconditional, genuine, very certain. But it's also a long fair. Let's also see here. There's real love, but there's someone else in the. His family. Something spontaneous. This person had a family feel spontaneous, Yeah. There's a they're really yearning. And there's a list here between the two of you. But you're still you're worried about being embarrassed? The desire of nutrition between the two of you is unquenchable. And seizure. So. What's the situation? And there's real life, There's some real loving which is? Would you love? Because. Unspoken, spontaneous. Result, Evolved. But now you're worried. Because it's. The embarrass, the desire for this insulation. Why don't you know about their situation? That would help. It's throwing the reconcilable differences card. So there is a divorce in their future or a breakup. Might take them all. They all flipped. I might take them all. There is a there. What don't you know about the situation? Well, I don't know if this person had a divorce in the past or it's it's looking like there's going to be a divorce. I'm not sure the tense, the present future, past tense of this scenario, but again there was a reconcile differences. There's moving. Searching for a way to rescue themselves. And some way they're from an offer or proposal on the table. And then they. And then there's love again. But then there's gossip today. So why don't you know about their situation? Well, they're needing some reconcile a little differences, and there's a need to move. There's a need to have a physical location change, and there's searching going on online right now. So they might be in the middle of having a divorce, they might be in the middle of moving, trying to find a new house. I feel like they they feel rescued in some way. By your by this offer or commitment in love with? But there is gossip going on today about it. Someone is gossiping about this? Situation. Two Love cards. How do you feel about? And your presence in your life, they want. They're ready to break free. You make them feel this. This freedom, you surprise them. There's also like this darkness. That you're going to see their darkness or they. Are tantalized by the darkness that's within this relationship? Possibly. Energy The secret? They really admire your independent. You wanna be? Makes them feel confident. Well, between the two. And you make them feel extremely creative. You inspire their mind. These are beautiful cards. So how do they feel about your presence in their life? They It makes them want to break. It's been a surprise to them, back to this pop up. This is really been surprised. To be caught by these emotions. There's some darkness. Just capitalize it in some way. They see us very independent, very confident and it makes them feel creative. Carnival on the deck is supported. I wanna stand next. Everything. How would they describe you? Does the Networker. So someone who needs his unity through the sharing of information, all they would describe you as the lover. Someone has great passion and devotion. And the Liberator all freeing yourself from others out model beliefs. So they see us as Networker, they see you as. Possible future lover and know if you've. Had sex with his person or not? Secret. But they see you as their. Liberated them. Kind of. Outdated. The way of the. Very nice. Their home life is a real burden right now. You're trying to be. Kind to their acts. I don't know if this is an actor about to be acts. They're or they were really or. It's a homeless burden and they possibly are sentimental about the accident and relationship. And some way or they want to be kind to the acts and to this relationship that. It's manipulate. They expect there's an expectation here. That this. There's some depression over some sadness. They expect there to be some sadness. But they really hope so. Yes. OK, so have they considered contacting you? They're hopefully yes. Home is a real burden right now. They're having to carry a lot of weight. They're trying. They have sentimental issues with when it comes to the accident relationship or they're wanting to be kind to their acts. You know, as this relationship ends, it's really manipulating them and they expect there to be sad. Again, as they're as they're dealing with this, your reconcilable differences and move. But yes, hopefully yes. They won't really, yes. Is there competition for their return? If they reconcile with this selfish woman. She will continue to defend herself by creating stress, a stress, stress and feeling and and making them feel trapped and afraid. So it feels like they're being gaslit into defensiveness and distress, and feeling caught and feeling fear. So if they wreck. If they reconcile with their acts. It's going to be so defensive, it's going to cause so much stress. They're going to feel trapped and they're going to be afraid. So I would say no, there's not competition because if they if they reconciled with her, it's looks like a ship. You need to think about this. You really need to take some time and contemplate this. Yeah, you've been contemplating shooting with this person. It is a soul mate, but again, there's a real stress here. That they might get caught up in some kind of reconciliation. They're worried that they're going to go back. To their accents anyway, but it looks like it's over because of this offer. What would they say? A little frayed about, you know. Soon to be ex. Parallels to call people your acts that you're so like if you're listening to Terrible Another. Access. I can't wait any. I need you now, they they. Cassini makes me so. So they're very sweet and they're. Turn. Come on so much. Either makes them wet. Wake you up. Want to wait any longer? So again, you've been in a in a in a wait. Situation with this person What guidance here does Terrell have for you? There's 1-2 Love Cards coming out. Yeah, there's a family. So this one. The mother again, She's just very frightful, She just. And the hope is. The mother's fear and hope is that she fears and hopes that it's over. This cycle, this world. Of rich girls or or there's a cycle of this single one. So I don't know if there's been a cycle of single women have been interested in in your person. Again, she is. She is afraid and hopeful. She fears and hopes that it's over. Again, there's a world of single women out there. There's a world of these like rich girls. Or there's a cycle of these on the Internet in some way, possibly. Again, it's the break up. There comes the breakage. It's the breakup. She fears and wishes for her. Um. Again, she's going to use warp to manipulate this situation. She's wishing for a fight. So she's gonna use work to. The the the other woman in the scenario was going to use. And use that and wish that that will start a fight in which she can defend herself. And her happiness? Surely, slowly but surely, so she's She is. She is. She is seeing a fight here. When it comes to her work or her school or something like that, it's it's her wish to cause a fight. And in that way be able to defend her happiness. So she's wanting the fight. So she's so she's fearing and reaching that it's over. Which is a weird call. Our guide. Everything. They move on from the marriage or they move on from the commitment. Commitment from the relationship. It's X of this X. And they're working on it right now. It's very close to being done. Relationship is very close to. The decision? About this selfish woman and being kind and sweet to. Um. They made a decision. This selfish woman. They should be kind. Because that's what they want to grow because again, they're trying to nurture this situation. But here come messages from the father or from the boss. That create this fantasy or create this Daydream, create the need to defend the dream. Again being of being trapped. And defensive while you get. Or older. The secret here is it. The actual sturdy little secret here is that their relationship is over. OK, so you can be sitting here and being worried that you know you're The Dirty little secret. But the truth of the matter is, The Dirty little secret is that this woman, the selfish mother and. You know her grasp on the situation is over. That's the secret. So you don't have to sit here and be like ohh my gosh I'm the secret no secret isn't the over? Between these these two people. What came first, The love or? The. You. Environment and which love could grow. Right. That's the truth here, so there's no reason for you to feel threatened or embarrassed. That you love this person. Or that you protracted this person into your life. Or that you've offered this. Because the secret here that actually dirty little secret here, is that their relationship was over. OK. And they were just. The right. Great. Back to attraction. You attract romantic love by. So whatever you're doing right now, and enjoy. I'm recording these April right now, but when this goes out. Like June? Enjoy this? Enjoy yours. Take pictures of you enjoying yourself. It is by enjoying that moment you become so much more attractive, especially to this person, and it will help give them extra boost. Get over the emotions and the regret that they're going to go through. Ohh. As their. Circle. OK. So be be. Be that. Be that secret space. Be that special place. For this person to go to, whether it's in their mind or in reality. To get through the breakup, which is difficult, This is calling it a divorce. Differences and need to move and need to search. Need to feel we feel Rascal. By this. Even though there it is. Gossip. Feel it today. So you be in the. Enjoy whatever you're doing fully. Don't worry about this person. Get out of their situation saying it's genuine. Yes. You know, being mean towards. Forwards that towards you. All right, those are good readings this week. You know. Busy all, all of June. There all sorts of stuff going on in June, so I'm recording all the. Episodes right now. And the springtime. So, like, I'm going to do some real future reading right now. All right, that was a beautiful reading. Stay tuned. Like I said. Making these episodes up so. I don't know. I'm gonna when I put all these together, I'm just getting material. You guys have a good one.



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