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This week's travel story is about my RV trip out west when I was 11. The breakdowns were just part of the adventure. I learned to read a map, roll with the delays, enjoy the cool-down period, and tell horrible jokes. We didn’t give up once. It was our 2 weeks to be a normal family, and mechanical problems are as normal as it gets. The year mom sucked antifreeze. That's what we call that trip. And boy, do we laugh about that. After your elemental relationship reading, stick around to learn about our zodiac lovers this week, Pisces and Gemini! Both mutable signs that go both ways at once!

Fire: 00:21:10

Earth: 00:43:41

Water: 00:55:29

Wind: 01:10:53

Pisces and Gemini Lovers: 01:23:57

⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions

Episode 74:


This week's travel story is about my RV trip out west when I was 11. The breakdowns were just part of the adventure. I learned to read a map, roll with the delays, enjoy the cool-down period, and tell horrible jokes. We didn’t give up once. It was our 2 weeks to be a normal family, and mechanical problems are as normal as it gets. The year mom sucked antifreeze. That's what we call that trip. And boy, do we laugh about that. After your elemental relationship reading, stick around to learn about our zodiac lovers this week, Pisces and Gemini! Both mutable signs that go both ways at once!


Fire: 00:21:10

Earth: 00:43:41

Water: 00:55:29

Wind: 01:10:53


Pisces and Gemini Lovers: 01:23:57


⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions




Outwest Intro:


You ever think you're like everything? And you can't even get out of town and your car breaks down. What happened? Socks. Socks. Right. If you like. You could be so fucking prepared. Everything fucking ready, but getting ready for fucking weeks. It's better for it to happen, of course, while you're at home, before you're like in the middle of the road, you know what I mean? But yeah, I have been on a few Rd. trips with them with some car trouble when I was 11. Uh, my family. A big family trip out West. My dad and mom planned it. We've got had we had this old RV that they bought used. And it was kind of like an Airstream, but it was, it was called the Argosy. That's what we called it was the Argosy. OK, we can call in our VCR because no one. Sorry, mom. It's like this old, old fucking RV, you know? It's like 1991, OK? There's things from the 80s. OK. And it was painted white, and it was the white was dripping off a little bit. You know, my dad's, you know, not the greatest driver. We got plenty of stores. Like this Fucking Argosy. They were taken all over the goddamn place. I mean, seriously, my parents were nuts, OK? Like getting the thing. This is why I love it when my folks, like my mom, would prepare everything OK She go to AAA, get the maps. And before we left on any road trip in the Argosy. We would get everything together and we would back. We I lived on this hill, OK? There wasn't a whole lot of room, but we backed down and we go to the bottom of the driveway and we'd sit in the cold, the sack. And we'd sit in the call to sack. And before we left on any road trip, my family prayed so it would sit there and pray for traveling mercies. And then we pull out the God damn math. This, this is the way, like we know we're go, they know where we're going, but that's the moment they pull out the map. So my parents taught me how to read a map and I I really learned. You know a lot about directions and roads and driving across country driving because we're going across countries, across country flocking trip from Ohio. Tears Zona. OK, going to Yellowstone all it was 2 fucking week. Long trip. And. So, and this one, my sister and her child were my knees were supposed to come with us? So we're all ready to go on this fucking trip, OK? The bags are packed. RV is packed. We're we're getting ready to fucking leave. And we don't get very far. We don't even hardly get down the road and it. So we drive it over to our mechanics. Really fucking wrong. And so he's like, OK, I can have this fixed up for you in a couple hours, All right, then you guys can be back on the road. And so my sister had left her car at the mechanics to be fixed while we were gone. OK, So we luckily had her car and it, was, you know, it was like even breaks or something like that. So we get in her car and we decide we're going to go out to lunch. I think, I think it was lunch at this Chinese food restaurant. We're all excited. We're getting ready to go on this trip. I'm eleven and annoying as fuck. My niece is 4 years younger than me so she's like, it's not as annoying as I am. In my autistic sister was left with my grandma. OK, so this is because we could have never taken her on trip like this. It would have been absolute insanity to take her. She was, you know, her behaviors, her everything. This was a trip for us to feel normal, OK? This was a special trip for us as well as the normal people in the family to go pretend like we. Our normal family on vacation. Not like being like, you know, autism mode, like my family, like the moment we get hit a rental when we have Tanya, like we have to go through and remove all the glass. From the rental because she'll break it. So like we walk into a rental and before we can even unpack the car, my sisters and I or my other sister and I are emptying every. Glass out of the copper, we can we're putting it on top of the cupboard. We're hiding it or packing it up so that you know because she could break an entire air BNB's worth of glasses and week. And then we also have to pick up clean up and then you know possible you know getting glass in your foot, which we had that. I'll get to those vacations another time, but this was the the time for us to have like a normal vacation, alright? This was, this was our big, normal vacation one time, OK? You know, like I said, my older sister, who's normal and her daughter were supposed to come as going to be a really like we were going to be normal. We were going to be fucking normal for two weeks, so. Anyway, my grandma was there with my. So that's kind of the setup for the story. So we so we're at my favorite, my God damn favorite. Japanese Chinese food restaurant. And I'm we're just fucking around like I'm being an asshole to my knees because, you know, I'm the older one. And so we're just kind of fucking around my sister. My older sister's being an asshole to me. So it's like kind of like shift we're shifting down one another, you know, as age, you know, like basically my parents had three kids there, basically, you know, so my sister was in her 20s. You know. We're not going to the exact Long story short, a huge fight breaks out between. Me and my sister and then my dad gets involved and we're in the middle of this God damn restaurant. Thanks God, it was lunchtime screaming at. Fucking pissed off. Please. She's that God on the trip with us. So anyway, her and my niece don't end up going. Because we have this huge flocking family, this is our idea of normal. Huge fucking fight. Ohh. We get back in the RV. They take their shirt out there. I agree. They leave. I didn't, I don't know. I was just being a shithead too, you know? And I it's not my fault, alright? I was just excited. You know, my sister did one call on the God damn trip. She's looking for any excuse out. That was the reality and I don't blame her. She's been 20. She doesn't go on fucking trip with her. So. Anyway, forget the thing we We head out to Iowa. This story is actually like an entire funky emphasis. We head out to Iowa to visit my uncle. And I think we go after and then ohh OK, so on the road. We have another problem. We hit a bump in the whole thing, started shaking. I don't have to slow down to 20 miles an hour for the RV to stop shaking and we can speed back up and we get another bump there. This like shake, flocking. Bullet about uncles farm. He's like I'll fix this up so he fixes up the shake problem. It's nothing. It's now been worked on twice. And we're not even to Iowa, we're just to Iowa. And then from there, we went up to Minnesota. And visited my other uncles and my two cousins. Did like the sweetest thing for me. I I'll never fucking forget it. You know, summertime. And they made a whole scavenger hunt for me. I mean, it would have been for my my niece and my sister too if they would have called, but they really meant they missed out on this really great scavenger hunt that my cousins like all created for me and for us in general. So anyway, we went on. Like my uncle is a an airplane pilot, he flew. From Delta for his entire career. So he's got these little like Cessna like planes, you know, these little private little airplanes. And so he lives on a. It's you know, it's got airplane hanger type garages and stuff like that. So anyway the IT all ends with you know in the by the airplanes. It was really cool. It was a really cool experience. Like I look back on it and it really felt loved by my cousins. And they were all into Apple computers. I can still remember their basement full of the old Apple computers. Computer geeks. One works for IBM and the other. Teacher and measure and like electronics like computer programming teacher. They're both geniuses and fucking Gene. Anyway, we took an airplane ride with my uncle on that trip. It was really fucking awesome. And then from there we went to Yellowstone. Yellowstone is when the Argosy started overheating. So it overheat and then it completely shut off. And so we were like literally having to pull over on the side of the highway and wait for the RV to cool down so that we could start it again and then go until it got too hot, so. Way we're trying to get to the next town. We can have this thing looked at and get coolant. So the guy says, well you got a hole in your radiator and it gives us these like silver plugs and a bunch of coolant. And so my parents were like putting coolant in this thing and they they don't even know. Because they're not mechanical people, they're put in the overflow. We wasn't even going in the radiator until we were continuing to have the same problem. And so my mom and, you know, finally figures out that this is not where this ship's going supposed to go. It's supposed to go over here. Well, hell, we've used all the cool one up and we're really stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere. And so my mom had to siphon out the coolant from the overflow and back into the radiator. And so she's she takes so bad as she takes off one of these tubes on something else, wipes it off, sticks it down there, siphons it out, puts it into the other thing. Spits out all this coolant, There's like water, water, and she's like screaming at me and I'm like running into the Argosy trying to find. Coffin And we have one of these big old water cooler things, you know, that you see at like at like sporting events and so on. Like it's just coming out. There's like not enough air in the thing, so it's just coming out like these little drips. And she's screaming at me and I'm giving her like 2 tablespoons of water at a time because that's as fast as I can. Like one of those kind of moments. Anyway, she finally gets her mouth cleaned out and she's got all these silver hole filler things stuck between her teeth. Uh, but we did get to see some great Buffalo. Like one of the times that we're like broke down on the side of the road, just hanging out, waiting for the RV to to cool down enough. All these Buffalo cross the road. It was really cool. We got to see these Buffalo up close. And we went to Yellowstone, I saw the big guys, or went to the Corn Palace. And then we drove down, went to Tombstone and I had a sass parilla with my dad at the OK Corral and watched the gunfight. Drove home, but we had more breakdowns on the road on that trip than any other trip. We took this RV fuckking everywhere. Like that's how we traveled as a family. We just got an RV, like even if we were going to like the shore, like going down to. North Carolina do it like we used to. We've done Hilton Head and then Outer Banks we take the. We take the RV right and just have everybody. RV last a long time. It was cool. Like this, 19 minutes. It had to be it had to be done in the 70s or the very had to be built in the 70s. I think it was like this. I bet you was 74. I bet you. But it had like these bright orange cushions. Everything was orange and. Smell fucking weird. It had like the engine, it had this big hump, it had the two seats, the driver seat in the passenger seat and this big hump and you could open that up and access the engine. And so we used to sit on the hump until it got too hot. Once it got too hot we had to go to going back and said but that was like. So as you know, no seat belts were in this RV. All right, up on this hop, fighting over who gets to sit on the hump. Until it got too hot for our bombs. But yeah, I mean. Traveling is traveling. I love that my folks didn't give up like that whole trip. You know, they couldn't give it up at any time. Turn around going home. But we just switched. Find a mechanic or we would find like a. Back then, like they didn't have, like, you know, like auto places everywhere. They didn't have Dollar Tree things everywhere. You just got to a town and talked to people and you know, sometimes someone would help out or sometimes you'd have a little shop that had a little bit of everything, you know what I mean? Like traveling back in the in the, you know, early in the 1900s, traveling 1900s is different. Yeah, it was a good trip. I decided I was a comedian that summer. And all I did was tell like the corniest. Kid jokes the entire time. That's all I did. That's all I know. Look, a pack of the pictures of myself and I'm totally this, like, geeky. Goofy 11 year old girl. With the perm. The coolest thing we did throughout that entire trip? My parents are obsessed with Hot Spring. Absolutely obsessed with Hot Springs, OK? Like, they love, they go places just for the Hot Springs. They know about all the Hot Springs between here and there. And so we went to all these different Hot Springs. So like the trip was like, we were amazing camping spots. I mean on gorgeous camping. It's just gorgeous. My dad almost dropped left, like I almost felt we're crossing a river and I almost got swept away. He didn't think it was that big of a deal. Like, I tell him the story and he laughed at me. He's like, I'm like, yeah, but I was, I was 11 years old and I was half your size, you know what I mean? You know, you might have only been up to your knee and water where I was up to my waist and water, and that is a whole different thing even, you know, in a stream. You know, I thought I was going to be swept down fucking river. Scared shit out of me. But he caught me and he thinks it's funny though. I got all crazy. Across this river to get my mom some cool. Dreadfully pieces. But it was a great trip. It was a great trip. We went to all these great Hot Springs, all the guys ears. That was cool. Trip. With this, what's funny is, you know, I'm taking my son out to Arizona and he's 11 this year. And so it's like to me. You know that that trip was. You know, it's a good memory. It's like this amazing memory I'm gonna have my entire life and all the again. The one thing that Tommy was not to give up on? Fine. Still have fun. We took our mouths with us. This is a funny little Side Story. We took our mouth with us. It was in our wood pile back then. You don't give a show about. You're looking from so it's in our wood pile on the on the Argosy. And so when we it was in the garage and then we put it in Argosy this mouse came with us and so the mouse would get up. You know we you know it was running across where my mom's head was at night. All right going to get snacks trying to eat our Graham crackers and our. And our chocolate and stuff. We have the word in the middle of the night. Jump off. We're trying to get this mouth out of the Argosy. And so, you know, it's like this, You know, my mom's got the broom, my standing at the door, my dad's got something else, and I'm standing there too. So it's the mask comes my way. I'm going to scare it that way. We're going to shoot the mouse out. And so we're waiting for the mouse when we get ready, and also we can't leave the mouse. You can't leave the mouse here. This is the middle of nowhere. Here we are this this little mouse is from Ohio. This mouse is not from Yellowstone. She goes he will be hot food in 2 seconds. My mom all of a sudden got all emotional about this little mouse. And so the mouse stayed, and the mouse went on the entire freaking tree. We got home. You know, put the wood pile out in the mouth. So this whole, this mouth. That's what on the phone. Well, those that still work. Yeah. Anyway, this is, this is the show this week. Like I said, I'm taking my son out last. We're going to Tombstone. He's going to, We're going to have the Sass parilla with my dad. Uh. We're going to Grand Canyon on his fucking birthday, 11 years old, and he's going to the Grand Canyon on his birthday. We're going to take the train out there. We're going to stay the night at the at the park. We're also going to go see to the dinosaur museum because see the the huge dinosaur track that's up there. We're going to go to Sedona and go see that really cool church with the Vortex. I'm super excited about that. I could. Well, I'm probably not there yet. But it's coming up. One of the things I'm doing. This summer while you guys are listening to my winter record recording. So yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited for this trip. I'm happy it's happening. Probably right now. We're very soon to happen. Um. About. All this stuff with my son. Sitting here at 44 with my 11 year old. Have to do some camping. The trip out West, you know, this is like I said, for me it was such an amazing memory. And I hope my son has you know, similar. To look back on when he is in his 40s. To help SO. So that's what I'm doing. I'm. I'm out making memories. OK, make sure you make some memories this summer too. Even if you don't have a whole lot that you can do, do a little. There are beautiful places within a 1/2 days drive from everybody. Go do something for yourself. Go make a memory. It's definitely going to be worth it, even if it's a small one. You know the the readings this week go fire, Earth, water, wind. And then I did Pisces and Gemini Zodiac lovers. So if you're interested in Pisces or Gemini listen to the end of the show. See what, see what you think and. Yeah, say a little prayer for me and everything and all of our travels go. That we have a good trip. I really appreciate it. You guys enjoy the show. Uh. I'm actually enjoying these intros because it's been a long time since I've talked stories. Got me all like giddy and. How do you? And it's important that that some. The portion, like we want so many times, like we circle around bad memories because we're, you know, we don't know how to heal them. Or you know, it's an ache that keeps aching, but we don't travel back to the good memories. You know, and it's amazing like I just got a complete like release of dopamine to share those stories in the smile and. 11 year old geeky song. You know. Bought too hard. On the health of.







Make an. Great love is worth taking the steps you're guided to take. Trust the situation is calling. Trust. Dressed. Your emotional state is feeling like you need to be rescued. Their emotional state is in. You're dealing with the move, physical location change you're thinking about. Space. They're on the verge to confess. They might want to be telling you that they love you. Because, again, their overall energy is a slow They're having anxiety mentally, they're on the verge to confess. Probably this What is your. Feeling like you need to protect yourself again, that is, you need to have trust. You have trust issues. There. They need to cleanse negative energy. That's what they have to do to get. Whatever this negative energy is, or anxiety that they're. You will overcome this like you need to have protection in some way. Or to protect yourself. Like the kind of coming into some kind of compromise or? Still overcome this needing to remove the negativity from from the. You know, because it will weigh them down too much. They'll have to go. Overhead is like a legal situation I need to do. You need to have some kind of official table. Part of the situation what is between? Both feeling. That this is that your soul mates, you both feel like your soul. How do you have this emotional friendship between the? How do you? Got some trade or some things that are upset? Triggering each other right now. Alchemist History OK, let's go back up. Let's look the triggers. You guys we both think. Comfortable. Again, there's focusing on the fact that it's like a roller coaster ride, focusing on the ups and the downs and not focusing on. And that focusing on the feelings but. The up and down of the. What are they on the verge? They're on the verge because they really want this. Like, really, really like. Unconditionally. Wanted. How are they going to get a grip on this negativity? By becoming single by becoming available. You need the rest. I've done everything. So it feels better than I did this. I'm actually recording this. This is going to go up in the summertime, but I'm actually recording this right after. They need rescue by seeing some kind of proof. Or they need to rescue from the proof? I don't. Emotionally you're like. Like you need rescue. Like you almost want them to show you. Emotionally that they would come to your aid maybe. I don't know what Why are you so confined? It's frustrating. Score. Back to this thing. You need like a year and overprotective state. Yeah, you feel like. I feel like this relationship is like confined. Or confined like that there there's like a confining energy about it because throwing down, lockdown. Mental Present Confinement. Plugged in, tuned in, Internet connected. So you may feel like you don't know this person well enough in real life. On the confinement of just that online. Issue Here again, it's telling you you need to make the effort and you need to trust. They again have some ability to have some kind of. Which is always. What's this history? History. There's a history of getting ghosted. And then retaliation. Probably another reason why you're. But yet here you do. You reconcile this and you come back to the. So you have, yeah, projected. You've projected this into the future as it is a timing issue, but the reality here is you're trying to protect yourself. You'll come to some kind of agreement, and the reason you're protecting yourself is because there's a history here from ghosting and retaliation. You will reconcile with this person. Ohh. They hire salmon. You need to trust this. On the bottom of the deck, flipped over, is happiness. So there is some happiness. How do they feel about you? Feel very stuck. That's sad and desperate. They feel stuck, sad and desperate. They are determined, though, to make better choices. They're dealing with feeling irresponsible and responsibility, so they're like struggling with this emotion of wanting to be irresponsible. But having to be responsible, but then also not wanting to have to save everybody, wanting to save themselves as well. But feeling like at this point, they've been so irresponsible with your heart when it came to the past Ghosting. Again, you know, so they're dealing with this. You know, we're juggling the emotions. Of what is responsible, what is irresponsible? Again, they've been irresponsible with your heart to a certain extent. You know, they're dealing with their own responsibilities as well. They want to be irresponsible when it comes to you as far as like do whatever they want. Yeah, because again, they are over here with some really genuine emotions for you. Feeling very stalked and sad and Jasper. This energy is made them feel very determined. How would they describe you? Someone else is a saboteur. Probably through fear of empowerment and. So they see that you have that you sabotaged. And again, you're my you're over here sabotaging it because you don't feel safe. It also call you a storyteller. I don't know how to take this card because last time it came up it really made me think about a lie. You know what I mean? And there are so many people out there that. You know, and you're you're my fire sign, so you sprinkle a little bit. Everything on every story which is part of being a storyteller, is telling a story, is telling a good story. But this could be negatively. And a damsel. Understanding the nature of a healthy romance inspires you to rely on yourself. But then again, the negative mentality is the damsel in distress. But again, you're over here protecting yourself from being like. You want a healthy romance? They would. They would say that you're a romantic person. They would say that you're a good storyteller. Maybe a little too. But you're also sabotage. This Really. Shoes. But again, whatever, They haven't given you a base. Because there's a history of ghosting here. They haven't given you a piece of trust. The Trust. I have a feeling that has to do with their own negativity. You know what I mean? You know what they say. Tell me what to do? Show. OK, let's get some. Advice. The truth is, there's a judge, there's some judgment, or there's a judgmental mother afoot. In this scenario, she cheats. Truth is, there's this judgmental mother that cheats Or her friends or. Yeah. Feel like it's cheap? Truth is, there's a judgment. Yeah, I don't know if she cheats or if, like, her friends are extremely involved in the relationship. Again, like, there's this. Need to move on from these motions because all she does is manipulate things to carry a heavy burden. And so that is leading to this feeling like of holding back. So I don't know if they're justifying. You're justifying things. So sorry, but this will continue to grow. Sorry, this continues to grow. There's something about the home that you don't. Can't. The work of this stick and this bitch. And fear. OK. So the truth is, is the real judgmental. Whether that? Your mother. Their mother. Their baby Mama. You know what I mean. I don't think it's you because you know. Clear the focus here on the reading it and again, she's got friends or you know, she's been cheating. Start completely clear on that again, moving on. Because all it did she moved on from it was. All it did was manipulate her to carry a heavy burden. Made her do more work somehow. So. Again, not as why there is this holding back energy in this relationship. There's an apology. It's something that's this thing. I don't know what is growing here at home that you. The sycle distance. Yeah. So there's been all this distance that's been growing. And it's leading to being, it's leading to denial, the work of these two, this king of this king and queen of swords, this Dick in this bed. Again, it's because of a fear of moving on. Nice for my fireside. Again, it's just asking you to make the effort. It's asking you to trust. Again. This bitch wants money. And it's so. The feelings here. Are really are mutual and there's you know again. There's some feelings that are growing and then there's this move or this trip. Sneaky. Like this? Want to move or sneak? To the goal. Someone's getting older and it's stressing them out in secret. So this bitch just wants. OK, whoever is a third party in this. And it's regret. It makes the whole situation. The feelings are mutual and this is right under their entire. Unconditional. And kind of sneak off I think from this batch. And ghost it. OK, so they're wanting to, really. Distance themselves from this queen of Swords. Again, someone's getting older and it's causing them a lot of stress. This is your person. They're getting older and it's stressing them out. So maybe they're feeling more pain in their body or their cholesterol is getting. Everything's gonna fall apart. People. Back to this, sorry. So everything falls apart because something's. France, you know what I mean? That's real sorry situation. Go back to this. She just want. Given a gift to someone. Everything. This dream of yours is. It's. You feel kind of trapped, right? By this woman. Whether we're talking about, there's like this feeling trapped by. You've decided. This one. So that's what the cards are saying. At the end of the day, you left decided that. This is. It looks. They feel. So. Trust. That there's real. I know that's very, very. But trust and make the effort. I know that you. Possibly in the middle. Moving physical location? Change your feet. From everything that you're seeing right, you're feeling very confined to only the. Need to protect. But it's time to come to green air. Compromise within yourself. This is the. Share this love. They do overall in this connection field. So it's important for you to make. Trucks. OK, so even though that would guess your instincts. Because our instincts again, back to triggers and post traumatic stress in particular. It hardly takes anything. Protection. It could just be. OK, 2K. You know and. And you go into complete protection. Right. You could have that. You can have that. That sounds. I mean, I've done that one. And I was like, ohh see ya. Because of the keg. Just because of 1K. You know ohh my flight that. You know, OK. This is the one you want. This one you're feeling is for, and I was going to talk about this on a different show, but it's fitting in here. Um, you know and and this is the struggle, right? When you don't quite like. It takes nothing for you to walk away like I'm OK. OK, We'll make you walk away, right? It's the truth. If you don't really like them. You will find any reason to. To. Right, but when you. You'll make an excuse for always busy, so that's. OK. So, but when you're in this place where you've been hurt before. Right. It's hard to to give someone the benefit of the. So you've learned to protect yourself. By finding. The smallest. And then just. OK. OK, it's done. So. You know. You're again, you're feeling confined. To having this relationship. So you must be out of distance. The best advice is you like this. They. That tells me. So get crazy. Get create. Triggers GET. So change it up. Trust. Trust that he made this. They might. So think about that. Through this relationship? How? To trust because of your past. Okey Dokey, I'll be back with.





Getting to know each other. As you reveal your inner most selves to each other, your bond deepens. So this is a a new relationship. Another. There we go. Yeah, it's just this exact same. What happened? You've learned some. Your energy is like. They're kind of triggered. Uh. Clear. Only they have children. Emotionally, they're emotionally. So they're. Trigger like you're wanting to sit down and have a discussion. Left feeling very childish. Mentally, you're pretending you're being fake right now. That's again, Why? Get to know each other. And their headspace is a long term relationship. So they may be thinking this is a long term relationship. You're over here like I've learned this. You're bothering to get to know each other. You're emotionally you're like, I need to discuss this, right? Because mentally you're pretend. So there's something that you need to discuss about. You think they're on the child? What is your obstacle, your obstacles today? In the present moment, their obstacle. Remove affair, dirty little secret. Are they committed in a long term relationship? With children. You'll overcome today this present mood, this present moment, by just being happy. They'll overcome this dirty little secret because it's going to spur on some kind of legal scenario. Court word. Uh, a motional. You're both kind of thinking about the future. You're both thinking about love, so. In your head space, you're both looking at just like is this law. Mentally you're. Back to this, you. The outcome is toxic love. The outcome is love and poise. So. Both are, I mean. We have two people that are both toxic and similar way. Is it really talk? What I mean? Um. It's not everybody's poison. Ohh tell me about this. Yeah, you wish that to me. They are subtly obsessed with children or having child. Maybe why they're looking into it long term. Relationship. They may be having a love affair with someone else or had a little affair with someone else. Yeah, it's giving them a lot of anxiety. Again, it's Spurs on this legal you know, I don't know why they're obsessed with the children. Umm. Legal might have to do something with copyright. Because it's throwing in the writing. Journaling card and then the legal paperwork. So I don't know if they're like going to sign a contract to become a writer. Or we're talking about possible like, you know, starting a business or, you know, like legal writing of some sort. Are they a paralegal? I don't know. Again. They overcome this love affair and this panic that they're having about it with something like, you know, it might be, might be copyright, I don't know. What's the? It's about feeling the need to intervene. Tell me about this. You got something that's been weighing you down. There is Desire on the bottom of the deck. Of toxic move some toxic right here. They feel fairly. They feel broken. And that makes them feel nervous and gives them that anxiety about this relationship. They have a lot of courage because of this desire they have for you, but they are currently very busy working. I could be back to this, you know, doing something. That's the contract for some. You make them feel wild, though. You bring out this like. Wild energy. They describe you to someone else. As a slave, someone who surrendered your power of choice to the divine, as the Midas or miser. Against someone you know that can turn anything into gold or is very, very, very fluid. And as the healer, the passion to serve others by repairing the mind, body and soul, so they would say that. In a lot of ways, you're slave. Surrendering your power to someone else that again, you know whatever you touch turns to gold, but you are also very stingy and that you are a healer. Why is this love so toxic brush? Would they sex? You're going to get to know this person better. I mean, end of the day, that's the overall energy you get to know each other. So your bond will deeper deep and as you get to know each other. I'm gonna do you so good you won't be a little long. You're so saxy when you're, but I can't wait to. Grab and slap your booty. I have never wanted anyone so badly. OK, so they got some real nice emotion. Again, they're looking at this as a long term commitment. You're in a zone of pretending you want to have a conversation about this. The choices the The choice in love is to be sneaky. And then hold back. Gotta be sneaky and kind of hold back. This person could be rich. Or again has like a. Family, you know, with longevity, you know what I mean? You could be from a rich family. Again, the love is an illusion, so they might. Again, there might be something sneaky. Here. They might be. Again, this is toxic love at the end of it. So they might love the money, or they might love the idea that you come from money. If there's a money angle here, maybe you have a really good job. I don't know. Again, the choice here is to be sneaky and to kind of hold on and hold back. There's this again money aspect here, you know, we're talking about abundance and and it's saying that the love is just a dream. Musion. It's just a ghost, this Dick, and free yourself. He's going to give. So little. Yeah, he just wants to. That again, that that will make. Yeah, that's the happiness. So again, this person just wants to have a love. It is dust on the. Again, there's some fear about the decision. There's some fear surrounding the decision. Again, to to defend yourself. It says to be patient. So be patient with this person, but it looks like it is going to be toxic sex. Like the sex is going to make you happy. You're going to feel you're gonna have an orgasm. You know what I mean? But you need to realize that they're they might hold back because they again want to hold on to their money. Or maybe this person is from, you know, has their family all set up, it looks like. You know. I don't know. Emotionally they might have children and there might be an A long term commitment this, but you might be an obsession to. You know what I mean? Again. It says ghosts, the deck. And free yourself. He's gonna give so little. Yeah, the sex would make you happy and fulfilled. But there is a destiny. The destiny here is for you to be afraid. And then have to make a decision to defend yourself. Uh. So you need to be patient. More Line of Terror? Nice. That. I think he goes bitches that just want money. Yeah, again. But he's wanting you to be his whore. And have sex. He is a cheater. Definitely a cheater. Alright. Get to know each other a little bit better, Yeah, don't jump into this one. Get to know a little bit better and you might see you've already learned this lesson before. All right, so don't jump into this one. I feel like that's the overall energy here in your reading. Don't jump in. 2 feet? Get to know this one a little bit better, because you're going to realize that you've already learned this lesson. Alright, that's that was your territory. I'll be back with.




Water. Soul mate, Yes, this is your soulmate. OK, so we got a soulmate relationship we're reading for. You want to talk? You wanna get on the same page? They have projected this thing into the future. But we're talking days, weeks, months. Where you are. You want emotionally you have a little. Emotional affair. Emotionally, they're trying to cleanse away negativity that they. And they they feel kind of embarrassed about it. You have a feminine energy that you're thinking about right now. Thinking about children OK, what is your? Obstacle here. It's the ghost. It's the blocked, lost energy and having anxiety about what is. What is there? They're having issues with the past memories. They're again. They're obsessing about the past. So. You'll overcome this like lost, go sleep, blocked, feeling panicked and scared because of it. By, you know, confessing something. They're going to continue to be locked down and triggered. As they obsessively replayed the past. So your soulmate is, you know, again, replaying past memories. What is? Your motional state is like this, spontaneous prize visit. A pop up. And then also through a searching for a way to find a settlement with a third party situation. Back in. Both of you are thinking about today. About your day. How come? Interesting. What if they projected into the future? What are they thinking? They're thinking about the future. They're overall energy is focusing on the future. So their main focus is on the future. OK, You want to talk? What do you want to talk about? You want to get on the same page. You want to talk about the fact. You want to talk about this love. You want to talk about the tragedy of it now It's forbidden again. You want to talk? Emotionally, you're having an affair with this person. Why is this feminine what you're thinking? Again. Your mental illness in your head Is thinking about this feminine? Chasers. Feminism. You're thinking about. I don't know if it's the fact that this feminine energy has been, has been the one chasing, has been the one pursuing, and then all of a sudden it stops. Are you debating stopping the pursuit? Or, you know, has the pursuit been stopped in some way? Back to this drastic feminine energy and pursuit. You know what I mean like. Have you always, as of woman, have you always been the one who's been in pursuit? You know what? Why is there headspace about children? They're thinking about children and they're thinking about long term relationship. Again, your your person, your soulmate is very focused on the future and they're emotionally though, they are trying to cleanse away. Negativity. Back to this. It's right in line with this, obsessed with the reminiscing about the history. So again, which is the negativity that they're trying to fight right now? Again, they overcome this, you know, feeling triggered, feeling confined. They overcome this because they feel too confined by it. So I feel like they're going to break out of this negativity. They are focused on the future. They're focused on long term relationships of commitment and children, possibly their commitment to child. Family. Which makes sense. Let's go over here. What are you going to confess? It's going to help you overcome this ghosted law, blocked panic energy. That you've been searching, you're going to confess that you've been searching online? Possibly for a way to track this? The outcome is family. I'll last and learn. A completion of some sort? A family completion of some sort and then. Getting connected. So. Yes, this is your soul. So you're again, you're over here really wanting to have a talk about this and it's feeling so. Forbidden again, you're thinking about how these seven energies. Are always in pursuit. They drastically are in pursuit. I don't know. Maybe you're afraid that. These women are going to pursue him. These drastic feminine energies. Your persons over here obsessed about. Recalling the history like they're replaying the flocking history. Over and over and over again until they completely triggers them into. To get. Interesting. Freedom. They feel like you're freedom, they feel passion with. They want to support you. They want to be the one that stands beside. I feel very low. But they're very healthy. They've been hurt. With this, you know there's some unfaithful energy that they feel guilty about. Maybe they feel guilty. If you're the one having a long affair with this person, maybe they feel guilty about. Um, but you do feel very confident. That this relationship will workout again. You make them feel free makes them feel freedom, which is an amazing feeling. You give them passion and again they want to support you and they want to be supported by you. Again, they're lonely, but it's they feel healthy even if they feel. They've been hurt many times, sort of this unfaithful rootable guilt, so they could be dealing with all that energy, but yet they're very confident. About your your you know your love with. Passion connection. This family. How are they described? Describe. So you might. Training. We also see you as being kind of judgment. The judge. They see you as a dog, so someone who's very seductive. So let's say you're very seductive. Maybe vampires? Like seductive. Why do they use drain? Possibly by. Judgment. So. OK. Over me Oh my God. Big deck to use. Tell me what I did wrong. Going here. Really. Specials. With the lights on, so I can. We need to get out. Just read so clear. All right. This is a soul. The mother is. But the mother is a bird and a bich. This is their mother. There's love here. This love is really working. The law is working and that is the truth. So. This is a sweet soul mate relationship. The mother is a complete burden and a bitch. I don't know what that's about, but. This love is work. And that's the truth. There's again, the manipulation causes a lot of anger when it comes to the children. This war is fucking different. She is like it is. Yeah, she has betrayed and she. So there's again back to this mother who's obviously a bitch and a bird. You know, again, she's manipulating and causing lots of anger when it comes to the children, and she's a fucking whore. And has been so many, many times. 10 of Swords, Three of cops. That's like cheek. Yeah, it's all about the money. So this this, you know again. This could be baby Mama Drama. This woman, this mother. This could be their mother. Your mother, I don't know. She's a bitch if she cheats. So I don't think it's either of your mothers. She. She. And that's what causes the end. This love is is working and that's the truth. So this whatever you guys have going on back to this, you know you're really wanting to talk about this. This again, there is. This is going, this is going to happen in time. It's just going. It's just slowly heading there. But it's a sure thing. This is your soul mate. There's been multiple Soulmate cards here. This love is working. So whatever is happening here, the love is working. OK. The law will work. OK. Again, the outcome here is this is in some way you're. You'll make a complete family. I'm almost gonna read completion. Family completion like this sold me energy will make you feel like your family's complete. You're going to feel very connected. In this relationship. So again they're they're going through some some past. Trauma Cleansing right now, dealing with their emotion. There's some kind of pop up emotional energy between the two of you. Maybe you both kind of pop up on one each other and one another from time to time. It looks like, again that this is kind of pushed off into the future. They're thinking about the future. You're thinking about. So go ahead and get to talking about it. I'll tell you this. You've heard say yes. A good, honest conversation taken. At the speed that makes you feel comfortable to take it. That is, like, just the best. Instead of sitting here trying to figure out. How they feel. Just ask. You know what you mean. Just be. Just before. That's my best advice, like so many people play. They only bring around. That distrust. You know when someone. Right. So yeah, it's important that you just openly talk. And again, you want to have a conversation about this. You want to make this love. Not so forbidden, right? Open. Open up the conversation. This is a. I will be back.





Love yourself first, yourself. Respect makes you more. Attractive. Well, first, that is such a, you know, cliche, right? What was that? Do the things that make you that bring you more self respect. So this relationship does not. Bring yourself respect. You know what I mean, But you need to love yourself first before you left this person. Bring you respect. Your energy is spontaneous. Just moving with the wind. They are in hot pursuit of some female. Their overall energy use and pursuit of the feminine and pursuit of the feminine. Your overall energy is spontaneous, unexpected surprise. Emotionally, you want to talk to this person. Again, love yourself first. This person might be you know. His next dinner. Motional. Yeah. He's paused. He's not putting. Pause. It's not the right time, obviously not pursuing something. Yeah, in this headspace, and this is, he thinks that you're going to end up being a drama. And your headspace, you're thinking about the history. Love yourself first. Yeah, this person is not going to. I have a feeling I'm not gonna bring you the self respect that you're looking for. The same Love yourself before you love this person, so don't waste your. You're thinking what's holding you back? Is feeling like this is some kind of punishment or revenge payback? What's holding them back is they're not facing the truth. There are some kind of denial. Back to this there. You will overcome this like fear of retaliation, revenge your payback by being happy, by finding something that makes you happy. They will overcome the denial because the signs are going to be there. There's going to be more signs than they can deny. Between you emotionally is another man. Between your head's face is the single available status. Between you and both single. Thinking about single. Been coming single. Maybe you both are in relationships. They're out. This person is out pursuing women. The outcome here is needing to take a vacation, hide away from a third party lesson from some other person. So do you. Are you looking at this person to get yourself out of a relationship? Are they looking at you to get out of a relationship? They're over here pursuing A feminine energy and hot pursuit emotionally towards you, pausing because it's not the right time mentally towards you thinking. You know, they've got this drama queen. You're gonna be a drama queen in the future. And there's a man between you emotionally, so you have another man that you're thinking of as well. Again, you wanna talk? This is this particular situation. Is has popped up on you in some way. There's a history. So you're sitting here thinking about this person's history. You've maybe watched them pursue other women. Again, what's stopping you from jumping into this is, you know, fear of of some kind of retaliation, some kind of payback. The outcome here is a hideaway. Education from the third part. Just taking a break. This feels like we're on break. You know what I mean? And it's and again, the the advice here is to love yourself first. Yourself. Respect makes. So would you give yourself over to anybody who is paying attention to you? Desperate are you for attention question. Is there a motional state? Motion. It's throwing the love card though, just through the love card. Back to maybe it's too real. So they you know they're not here pursuing causing it. You know like this this person feels like they're they're fucking mind game this feels like. Yeah, they're in love and they despise it. So love yourself first. This person may really have real true feelings for you. But they, again, they despise it. So they're they're they're not in any place. Yeah, they need, they're going through a transformation, right. Again, they've been in some kind of denial. All the signs are there. You were there again. They're very greedy. When it comes to you, so if you are in another relationship, that's another issue that's creating anger. You relax them, and again, they're they're ultimately afraid to open up. So again, there's like a a need to take a vacation, to take a take A to hide away from this third party lesson from this karmic situation. So again, the energy is telling you to love yourself first. So there I feel like there needs to be. A period of introspection for your personal. You're over here like they they jumped up on you, right? They would describe you as being really innocent, So innocent you could, you know, pull off a virgin energy. They also see you as a hero or? As a hero. So they see you as being very pure and being very gorilla. That's how they would describe you and also. So someone who's not getting to make their own decision. Would they? Then there's this other. And between you 2 which is weird. I love that. Face. Going to spank that ass. I'm going to pull that hair. I'm going to suck on those perfect breasts. OK, so. That's the sexy language between the two of you. Again, this feels like it's come out out of, you know, left field for you. It's just like popped up on. Again, they might be in pursuit of you, but again, the motional, it's a timing factor. And they might be in pursuit of other women as well. What is? Again, if this isn't, you know, a newly single person, they might have to go play the field. Appreciate what they have. They might be in some again saying they're in denial of their feelings. So they might have to figure out. What is the advice The marriage and the commitment bring? Fulfillment our fulfilling. But then there's. The marriage, the commitment. The fulfillment as happily ever after. And then there's cheating. That brings happiness. Cheating is what brings the happiness. There's this single lady that's rich girl, this independent. Entrepreneur. Again, it creates the mind trap gets transformed. Alright. We have this marriage. And this happily ever after. Right. But then here's this treaty, and the treaty makes them happy. This treating brings happy. Possibly to this single woman, possibly to this rich girl, possibly to. Let's do this. The mind trap ends. The mind trap ultimately kills. The defensiveness. Whatever this is, this mind trap, it dies. And so does the defensive. And it leaves. The mutual feelings. And then there's a choice. But then there's the choice to deny it. So I don't know if you have, I don't know if you cheated with this person. Again, you know, here's this commitment here is this really happy leader after. Have this friends. Energy urate this cheating that brings us happiness that brings happiness to the single woman. She was growing at this. It makes the decision to bring it all to an end, to lose, lose situation. Just be patient. Um. I almost feel like this is telling us that your person is got. Some shit to go through. Possibly someone in their future is going to be a drama queen again. I don't know if that's you or if that's who, all right, who they're pursuing right now, or if they're in pursuit of you, but they're dealing. But it's paused because they got to deal with this drama queen in the future. You know what I mean? There's a man between. All this is confusing. At the end of the day, we come back to the first card. Love yourself. First yourself. Respect makes you more romantically attractive. So while this guy or this person on your other side is out pursuing things, right? Whatever they be, it could be. You're supposed to love yourself first, so this one is spontaneously ending up in your DMS. Love yourself first, take it slow. Work on things that make you happy first and foremost. Remember that by respecting yourself and making someone else respect you, it will bring you more respect. And you, you need that. Self love, you need that. That confidence. As you're going into this relationship again and they love you when they're mad about it. Yeah, that is such a energy. You know what? You know, I get it. People are like that. You're frustrated. Actually. But yeah, you know. Love yourself first. So whatever that means, if you have to make a choice between loving this person or giving yourself what it is you need. The choice should be love yourself. Alright. There is. Loving yourself. Giving this person won't they want? Situation. OK. You guys have a? show





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